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MUSIC filled the odd silence between the two.

whenever jennie wasn't talking about her day, or updating jisoo on how their pet fish was going, she would play her girlfriend a song. as it had been two weeks since the other was laying unconscious on that bed, she ended up missing out on a lot of her favourite artists releasing new music.

besides, jennie knew how jisoo hated being left out, so some days she'd race to the hospital to play a song to the girl.

"i like the lyrics for this one," jennie switched songs once the other finished.

one hand holding jisoo's, she gave it a little squeeze, somehow expecting a reaction out of her. maybe a movement of her fingers against jennie's, or maybe a soft i like the lyrics, too. but that was impossible. the girl was in a coma, she couldn't just suddenly wake up to answer jennie.

she missed jisoo's spontaneous out bursts of singing, how it made her lips twist up into a grin, eyes closing as she soaked up her girlfriend's melodic voice. she was so talented; had so much potential. seeing her lay unresponsively on the white bed, wasting her days away, saddened jennie to extremes. it was silly to think negatively: it won't change anything, she'd keep reminding herself. so, like always, jennie pretended to be composed and hide behind the mask she created.

"remember when you'd sing so loudly the neighbours would complain?" jennie chuckled, eyes glimpsed at jisoo's closed ones.

the song changed.

"this one," she clicked her fingers, "this one would suit your voice."

the older girl used to sing loudly, out of tune, and crack her voice on purpose, all to make jennie laugh. which worked. it always would. she'd dance around their apartment, receiving questioning looks from her girlfriend, before she would just grab her hands, sway them together. jisoo tried to sing along to the song that played on the radio, stumbling over some words, but that only made jennie and herself giggle.

for hours, they would dance and sing, acting like they were the only two in the world.

"when you wake up, could you sing to me like how you used to?" jennie held onto jisoo's hand, delicately rubbing her thumb over the girl's pale skin.

for now, jennie had to be the one to sing, to make the girl laugh, although she couldn't exactly make any sort of emotion come from jisoo. nevertheless, it never stopped her. while people gave up hope, she didn't, and she continued talking to jisoo like she was listening. because maybe she was. she had to be hearing something.

jisoo still had life in her, the heart monitor constantly reminded jennie. the faint beeping that would normally irritate someone, was relaxing to her. her love was right there and she wasn't leaving anytime soon- as she believed.

picking up her phone, she pressed play on her girlfriend's favourite song.

and, instead of jisoo, jennie sang.

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