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OCEAN waves crashing on the beach's shoreline were heard.

hotel room fading into a dark indigo as jennie's gaze focused outside of the glass window, fingers subconsciously tracing lines up and down jisoo's back. although she was staring at the clouds drifting past, her mind felt like it was spinning in circles, maybe even in an endless spiral heading towards the earth; beginning with how she first met jisoo, to when she almost lost her - the one she was truly in love with - before it turned a sharp corner to exactly where they were right in that moment—covered in soft blankets, listening to the sea. peaceful. content. just them two. the way jennie wished it could always be.

"jisoo," jennie spoke in a whisper.

she felt the girl moving in her arms, hand searching her own. fingers gently entwined with each other's.

brining jennie's hand up to her lips, jisoo said, "yes, beautiful?" then placed a kiss on it.

jennie closed her eyes.

"i missed your voice," she breathed out slowly, "i missed you."

the other replied with, "you never have to miss me again."

and it was true.

there was that peacefulness that lingered in the air surrounding them. nothing seemed out of place, everything portrayed as being perfectly fine. which was almost entirely accurate.

fortunately, jisoo was okay, the recovery going well. but, unfortunately, the memories of that night couldn't be forgotten as easily, buried away in the deepest parts of her mind, a place she would never have to visit again. jisoo was continuously confronted by them, reminded at the darkest hours of the night. she wasn't alone, however, because jennie stuck by her side in those times. even with all the troubles, the tears, they believed there was a positive future for them. a future they were going to make together.

shifting under the sheets, jennie turned away from the window and faced jisoo. she pulled the girl closer.

"can you tell me a story?"

"a story?" jisoo grinned, "really?"

"yes," jennie pouted. she moved her head down to rest against her girlfriend's shoulder: "i just want to listen to your voice."

the girl kissed her on the forehead before mumbling an alright, sweetheart.

and jisoo talked for hours, whilst jennie listened.


© knkverse 2017

© knkverse 2017

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