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APPROACHING jisoo's room, a part of jennie hoped the girl would be awake.

okay, it wasn't just a part, it was every inch of her soul. she wished non-stop as the elevator slowly rose to her girlfriend's floor, that she would be awake; eyes wide open, filled with confusion while looking around the hospital room. when jennie would walk in through the door, jisoo would call out her name, open her arms, wanting nothing more than to hold jennie in them again.

that didn't happen.


she sat in the uncomfortable chair, staring outside at the clear sky.

"i miss you," tears blurred her vision. she knew if she kept talking, it would only get worse. but she could not stop the words from falling: "i-i miss you so much. please, come back to me."

gaze still on the window, jennie finally turned her head to the girl. hands automatically found their way to jisoo's, fingers felt cold against her skin. she missed the way jisoo would randomly hold her hand as they watched tv, as they fell asleep together in bed. she missed feeling the warmth she instantly got from the girl. terrified that she would never feel it again, feel herself touching jisoo like before, jennie let her walls break down. after all, her girlfriend was more important than what other people would think of her.

"jisoo," she cried, "wake up. i need you here with me."

taking a hand away from jisoo, jennie wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

"can you even hear me?" she questioned, speaking to no one but herself because it's extremely rare for the patients in comas to hear you speak to them. but there was always the possibility that she could be listening.

hand clutching onto jisoo's once more, she placed her forehead on the edge of the hospital bed.

for awhile, jennie was waiting for the girl to move, shuffle under the thin sheets, run her fingers through her hair. probably mumble where the heck am i? before she would be tightly embraced by jennie, kisses traced along her forehead and cheeks in the midst of her state of utter bewilderment. it never happened, though, jisoo continued to lay still. lifelessly.

so, as the day went on, and the sun began to set behind the horizon, jennie remained next to jisoo- keeping her promise.

before falling asleep, she whispered one last thing: "talk to me. please?"

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