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EVEN in the middle of spring, jennie felt cold.

as she walked from her and jisoo's apartment, to the hospital, she stuffed her hands in her coat pockets; missing the way she used to be able to hold her girlfriend's hand. jennie kept wandering down the path, knowing driving would have been quicker, even warmer; and then again, she needed the fresh air filling her lungs.

but she also knew it definitely would not have been warmer.

everything felt colder, more colourless, without jisoo. it was as if, ever since that terrible night occurred when the girl ended up in a coma, all the beauty jennie used to see, packed their bags and left with the other.

people walked past jennie, some moving more hurriedly than the rest. she wanted to scream at them to slow down. to take time to enjoy the sky; to be with the people they loved. she didn't understand why all those people had to rush and be so impatient. it was almost hypocritical of her, because she used to be the exact same.

she used to run around, trying to get through the day in the quickest way possible- even though, time never changed. but at the same time, it did.

time stood still for jennie, ticking in a agonizingly slow pace, since the phone call about jisoo.

she remembered everything moving in slow motion, almost being annoyingly cliché, just like the movies. the person's words on the other line felt dragged-out and fuzzy. she could barely process what they were even saying, but all she knew, was that one minute, she was making dinner for her girlfriend, then the next, she was pushing through the doors of the hospital.

the moment jennie could see the very building in front of her eyes, it was like the night was replaying itself over again.

breathe, she told herself, before walking through the doors.

the sterilized scent immediately hit her senses, and suddenly, she didn't want to breathe anymore. be there anymore.

she wanted to take jisoo home with her, she needed her to magically be okay when she walked into her room. but like always, the girl laid motionless on the bed, faint heart monitor sounds surrounding jennie. so, carefully, jennie sat on the bed next to jisoo, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss of her forehead.

leaning back, her lips twisted upwards slightly, she asked, "wanna hear a story?"

no answer.

yet, she knew if jisoo was wide awake, she would probably move into a cross-legged position, with a cute but eager smile on her lips.

"this one is about how a girl loves another girl," jennie tilted her head a bit, "i can already imagine you wiggling your eyebrows and saying 'ooh' right now."

jennie shifted a bit, being cautious of all the equipment around her.

"okay, so, the story is really about how i love you." she scrunched up her nose, "cheesy, right?"

and, that night, jennie told jisoo the moment she knew she was in love with her.

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