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IT was five o'clock in the afternoon when jennie got a phone call.

she was about to enter her and jisoo's apartment when her phone started buzzing in her pocket. for a moment, she stood frozen, terrified to see who the caller id would be. maybe jisoo wasn't going to make it. jennie's fingers trembled as they searched for the device, turning the screen over to face her.

it was jisoo's mother. which made her stomach churn with anxiousness because she didn't usually call, actually, jennie couldn't remember the last time she spoke to the woman over the phone. she always preferred having face-to-face conversation. so, whatever she had to say, clearly wasn't going to be good news. jennie let the phone call ring out a few more times before tapping the 'accept' button.

voice shaking, she answered: "is she okay?"

surprisingly, although it was more like shockingly on jennie's part, surprises always reminded her of happy things, like birthdays—anyways. it wasn't about jisoo, well, it was, but the girl was still alive. to some extent. it was about the person who did that to her. the elder woman explained how they found them, and now were currently being questioned before they would be locked away. hopefully, for a really long time. jennie instantly broke down into tears with the news, barely able to give clear responses to the lady. she told jennie it was okay, though, understanding everything she had been going through- as it was the same for her.

now, jennie was rushing into the hospital, giving a quick greeting to haebin at the front desk. she made her way into jisoo's room, taking a sit on the bed next to her.

"th-they found them," jennie placed her hand on top of jisoo's. "you're safe now."

she watched the girl's face, waiting. for what exactly? jennie let her gaze wander over the cords overflowing off the bed, then to the heart monitor. she isn't going to suddenly wake up. she knew that. but she couldn't stop herself from letting words fall from her lips.

"you can wake up now. i promise you're going to be safe. i'll make sure of it."

there was nothing.

"fine," jennie sighed, holding jisoo's hand properly. "until you wake up, i'll stay right here with you."

for the rest of the night, jennie sat on the bed next to jisoo, muttering how she loved her so much, so she wouldn't forget. she told her about the plans they made together, how they were going to travel the world one day. when she grew tired, however, she moved to the plastic chair, leaning her head on the hospital bed. hands still entwined with each other's, jennie always liked it that way.

before falling asleep, she told jisoo, she would never leave her.

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