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NEXT morning, jennie was woken up by loud beeping in the room.

first instinct was to reach out for her phone, but as her hand aimlessly waved around in the air beside her, jennie realized a few things; one, she wasn't sleeping in her bed. two, the annoying sound didn't even match with her ringtone.

quickly opening her eyes, she jolted back in the chair. the heart machine showed irregular lines going up and down, then too high up, then crashing down once more. jennie wanted to call out, scream for somebody to help jisoo, however, as her lips parted, the door hurriedly swung open and suddenly one of the nurses was telling her she needed to leave. with a hand around her own, she was guided out of the room. jennie's mind felt so hazed, she couldn't properly process what was happening.

it was about thirty minutes later, when jennie was nervously biting on her nails, that the doctor approached her.

through blurry eyes, she watched the person's mouth move, saying words she couldn't quite grasp, except jisoo's still in a coma. though, when the doctor placed a hand gently on her shoulder, she snapped out of her dazed state. they said, she was now breathing on her own, and it was possible she could wake up anytime within a few hours, to a day.

jennie took in a deep breath, about to blurt thank you's over and over again, until the bad side of things were spoken. she really needed a break from everything, go on a holiday somewhere far away; maybe, stay in a hotel by the beach. jisoo always liked the beach.

"there's still a chance her lungs might give up, that she would need to go on the ventilator again," they spoke in a calm tone.

jennie nodded at their words.

then they said, "but jisoo's strong." and jennie knew it was true.

after jisoo's room was cleared of all the nurses and doctors, jennie went back inside. she sat on the bed next to the sleeping girl and glanced down at her face, knowing that it was possible she could wake up any minute. any second. softly, she ran her fingers through jisoo's hair, brushing the loose strands out of her face. her skin didn't seem as pale anymore, jennie noticed, and, if she tried hard enough, she could almost see the faint pink blossoming back to life in her cheeks.

"so, you're breathing on your own now, huh?" jennie's entwined her fingers with jisoo's. "i'm so proud of you."

the younger girl's tired gaze flickered from her girlfriend's closed eyelids, to the sky outside of the window, then finally stopped upon the tulips which still rested on the bedside table. the plant was now wilting, some petals had scattered around the vase. jennie made a mental note that she had to buy new ones- that way, when jisoo woke up, she would be greeted by her favourite flowers.

that, but also, adding a lot of happy tears from jennie, and many soft kisses, too.

she wasn't entirely certain if jisoo would remember what happened; if she could even be able to respond by talking once awake, because she had been in a coma for so long. she's strong, everyone had said, something jennie constantly reminded herself about. she will be okay.

then, jennie turned back to jisoo, and told her how everything would get better again soon.

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