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JISOO always looked incredible in any colour.

whether it was a dark red or bright purple, a washed-out blue, even as simple as black and white, it never failed to make her look exceptionally stunning- although jennie believed jisoo was the one who made the colours look spectacular; the girl was the spotlight that shone over everything, making it brighter. as if she was the only light in the universe.

at least, that was the way jennie felt about her, anyways.

"i didn't know what colour nail polish you'd prefer," jennie began, "so, i brought all of them with me."

in the hazy rush of driving back to their apartment, still being safe, of course, jennie showered, then after spending too much time on deciding what clothes were actually clean to wear, she hurriedly searched for the box of nail polish somewhere in the bathroom cabinet. black, jennie looked at the small bottle held in her left hand, before picking up the next colour her eyes caught, or pink? in mid-internal debate on which one jisoo would like the most, she huffed, and just grabbed the whole box instead. now, sitting next to her girlfriend, holding one hand gently in her own, she painted her thumb fingernail in red.

"it's going to be rainbow," she softly spoke while focusing on painting.

when jennie was done, she searched for the next one.

"orange," she stated, "i always thought this colour looked pretty on you."

it reminded her of sunsets, as cliché as that sounded. the deep, golden-orange the sky turned at the end of the day. it was beautiful, maybe that was why jennie always thought of jisoo at the time.

next colour—yellow.

jennie unscrewed the lid. "this reminds me of the yellow tulips i'm going to buy for you tomorrow morning."

she visited the florist yesterday, and unfortunately, there weren't any of jisoo's favourite there- even after checking the gift shop on the first floor of the hospital, leaving the store empty-handed. jennie didn't give, however, actually placing an order in for yellow tulips at some other flower shop, hoping it wouldn't turn out sketchy.

"there's no green," jennie hummed. still rummaging through the box, she somehow expected it to 'magically' appear. "we'll just skip to blue, then."

movements being careful, delicately slow, jennie tired not to get the paint on jisoo's skin. colour blue being light, it blended well, along with the others. she smiled to herself, proud of the work, though, it didn't last long because she suddenly remembered something funny jisoo had once said, and started to giggle. that resulted in nail polish to brush the side of the girl's finger. abruptly stopping, actions differing to how they were a second ago, jennie put the lid back on the blue, and quickly grabbed the indigo.

"last one," announced aloud. "i promise i'm doing a good job." jennie paused. "okay, well, i'm trying."

once fingernails on both hands were completed, jennie softly blew on the partially wet paint. she lay jisoo's hand on the white sheets, eyes tracing up her arm, over the endless stream of cords, finally to the girl's sleeping face. for a moment, jennie forgot where she was; forgot how her heartbeat was racing too fast, jisoo's always remaining at a steady beat.

once again, reality hit jennie.

she whispered: "please, wake up."

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