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Pacifica woke up early in the morning and went to the living room to watch some tv.

She sat on the couch and heard a sharp shriek.

Dipper removed his blanket and looked at Pacifica.


Pacifica stood up and said in an annoyed tone,
"Why did you cover yourself with a blanket?"

"Because it was cold."

"Adjust the aircon then."

"You might get hot."

There was a long silence.

"Dipper... I didn't know you cared for me..."

"I do . You're a person in this house. And this is my house."

"Eh okay!! Please don't do that again. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING."


There was a cough.

Darren looked at the two with a dead look on his face.

"Wow."he said without a hint of excitement.

He went upstairs.

"Please shoo away Mr.Cute."sighed Pacifica.

"Don't call me that."Continue doing that.

"Fine!"said Pacifica,"Do you like me or anything?!"

Dipper colored and said,

Pacifica raised her eyebrows and said,
"Okay. You really have to go to the doctor. You're getting weirder everyday."

"The doctor won't heal me.You would."

"STOP IT!"cried Pacifica,hitting Dipper.

Dipper rubbed his head. Darren appeared in front of the fridge.

"Don't get the chocolate bar ."said Dipper.

Darren looked at Dipper with a blank expression. Darren got the chocolate bar and threatened to eat it

"Please don't!!!!!"cried Dipper,stretching his arms.

Darren smirked and ate a part.


The bar went flying in the air. Suddenly,everything froze except Dipper. Dipper got the bar floating in the air and placed a loaf of bread in Darren's mouth.

Dipper snapped his fingers and everything unfroze.

"What happened?"asked Pacifica,rubbing her head.
Darren got the piece of bread out of his mouth and tossed it in the trash..

Suddenly,blood trickled from Pacifica's butt.

Dipper widened his eyes and picked her up bridal style.

"WHAT THE FUDGE ARE YOU DOING?!,DIPPER FLIPPING GLEEFUL?!"cried Pacifica,screaming as Dipper ran to the door.

"YOU'RE BLEEDING!"shouted Dipper,openimg the door,"I NEED TO GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!"

Pacifica sighed and pushed him away but instead on landing on the floor safely,a loud thumped occured as the two fell down.

Darren went to them and took a picture.

He smirked and went back inside.

"DARRENNNNNNN!"shouted Dipper.

Pacifica said,
"You didn't have to do that!I'm fine!Mabel has this as well."

The two went back to their feet.

"How do I explain this to a boy?"said Pacifica,rubbing her chin.

Dipper stared alarmingly at the blood on the floor.

What do you want?!-Rev DipcificaWhere stories live. Discover now