Love, Or What You Think It Is

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Okay, majority of teenagers these days are dating, or have dated someone. And you're lying if you say that you've never had a crush. Now, the thing is, how far have you gone, for this guy to like you? Again, it mgiht not just be a boyfriend, it could be your girlfriend too. 

Let's get his clear first, what is the definition of love? Come on, think of your own... What do you think love means? Comment what you think it is. 

This is what I think. Love is when someone cares for someone, wants to be with someone, doesn't want to lose someone, regardless of what they look like. 

I don't have an objection with dating, but what I do have and objection with is what girls do for their boyfriends to like them. If your boyfriend doesn't talk to you unless you wear tonnes of makeup, extremely short dresses and six-inch heels, then that's not love. If your boyfriend doesn't care about you at all, and all they want from you is to look good in front of his friends, then that's not love. If you can't be yourself around your boyfriend, then that's not love. 

Every girl wants a guy that accepts them, doesn't judge them, truly loves them, but that doesn't mean that you're expectations should be too high either, cause that will cause problem XD. Don't expect you partner to be following you 24/7, or chanting your name. No. Being a lover and being a sycophant are two different things. Respect eachother, and eachother's boundaries. 

As usual, what matters most is that you both love eachother equally, and not for one's own benefits. 

Because YOU will do great things. 

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