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Every single person in this world, has either faced, or will face a bully in their lifetime. Often bullying leads to the believing of a false statement. People bully you because they are jealous of you, is something that everyone says, but is very hard to believe. You are better than them, and you will conquer them too!

Just remember one thing, never ever trust the words of a bully. Your flaws are your strengths. Take a deep breath, calm down, and work your way through it. Remember, you can always talk to someone that is a member of this campaign for help. 

Your scars aren't something to hide. Your past isn't something shameful. It's a story that you conquered and you lived to tell. We're proud of you. And you should be proud to share it and show it. People must learn to accept the way you are. Take this oppurtunuity to show the world what you are, and what you can do. 

We aren't  puppets to play according to the rules of the society and the world. Don't you think that a reason that people bully someone is because of their lack of self confidence? At first we might not agree but deep inside is we know that's the thing that matters the most.

Bullies have never realised the harm they cause, probably becuase there was never someone to make them. To them, this is just a small gmae, and it is up to you whether you want to be part of it or not. It is time that someone teachs them. Stay calm, because the best is yet to come. 

Because YOU will do great things. 


If you like our cause, you might want to check out the story "Don't Call Me Fat" by BBQueenoftheWorld.

It is a story that mainly focuses on bullying and we highly recommend you to check it out!

Go girl power!!

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