What is wrong?

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What is wrong with people?

That's a question I've asked myself a lot the past few years. And I still don't understand. How can people be so dumb, mean or aggressive? I just don't understand.

How can anybody even think it's a good idea to vote for the worst American president ever, no matter whether it was as a joke or intentional? Don't they see the hate Trump is spreading? Don't they see Trump is tearing the world in a pro-trump and a contra-trump part? Don't they understand this is not a joke, that the man reigning over the United States is nothing more that a silly?

How can people think it's a good idea to bully? There are so many stories showing the impact on the victims, why would anyone deliberately do that to anybody else? Why do they think it's funny that person doesn't want to leave its house anymore, why do they think it's funny to help that person get into a depression? I've been bullied myself, although that sounds more cruel than it was in my situation. However, it really did, and still does, affect me as a person. Why? Just why?

And last but not least, I can't understand how people can come together like: "you know what's funny? Let's go to the Ariana Grande concert and blow ourselves up so loads of children die or become traumatized". Like: are those people even human? I understand ISIS are radical Muslims, who got as aim in their lives to make the whole world Muslim, but this is going a bit too far right? Even for radical Muslims. I don't believe there's anywhere in the Koran "you should kill innocent children and make them traumatized in order to Islamize the world." I don't understand why they'd even consider this idea.

Yet, I know most the people are normal. Most the people are probably as flabbergasted as I am. Shocked by the deeds of ISIS, disgusted by Trump. But I also think we shouldn't go too far. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, not every Trump voter agrees with his actions. I think we should let go of the context, however horrible that context may be, and focus on the person. Respect eachother, thank you.

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