Hi I'm back and challenge day 1

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Hey. It's been a while, I know. I am just really busy and when I'm not I can't bring myself to writing, I'm just stuck with a massive writer's block I'm afraid. However, I just stumbled upon this advert about this challenge where you get an assignment on writing every day a week long, and since my new quartile at school only starts today and so will have relatively much time, I thought I'd do it now. Who knows, it might help me continuing my current books, it might help me in future books and I should just give up on these, time will tell. I'm not sure whether this is an international thing, for me it shows up in dutch but I am dutch and my Instagram (where I got the ad) is set in dutch, so I honestly don't know whether you can join or not, but here's the link to subscribe: https://backwords.eu/challenge/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand_challenge&gclid=CjwKCAjwk7rmBRAaEiwAhDGhxDhd4454Qq12TovXHp5JdYrP09x7SSU_5X2ceYBtSTxUgHJQrlWeKRoCGWkQAvD_BwE

Day 1: write an opening sentence that surprises or makes people curious about the rest of the story in another way

Reading this assignment really made me curious on how I've done this myself in the past. I feel like I've always found opening sentences quite important, but on the other hand my stories from years ago are cringy as hell. So I did some research:
The famous accident: I managed. I graduated.
The famous mystery: Julie, I have to tell you something
Memories about Dan Smith: the first time I saw him he was just a little guy.
I'm coming for you: when he walks to the water he knows something's not right.
Wicked: The first slytherin of potter's blood will change the world for his own good
Power: What if I never participated?
Rhythm of the night: I am not who I seem to be.

As you see, most of them aren't that exciting... I did write a beautiful poem as intro for wicked and I must say I'm quite proud of rhythm of the night too, but the rest is just embarrassing. That's why I decided to try and figure out an opening sentence for a story that's currently nothing more than a vague idea. The title (Wanted) is there, the description (when government controls you with a valid reason, there's no escape) too, but that's all I currently have. It's currently a draft on my second account dutchwriter1999 but it could also turn out to be a fanfic again and uploaded on here, who knows?

According to the description on the assignment, it's good to think about how you're going to show how your main character is living now and why that's not a good situation; show a little preview to the conflict that will happen later on. This story will set in a dystopian world where government controls everything, and eventually it goes to the situation where the Main Character is being searched by the government and looked out for in the entire country/world/whatever. That leads to the question: what did happen? Why do they want him/her so bad? Since I plan to unveil this towards the end of the story and not at the beginning I won't go into depth about that, but let's just start by expressing the influence of the dystopia on the MC's life. How does it affect him/her compared to our current life? How does he/she think about that?

For example: "I once read that in the past, people would vote for their government every four years. Wish I could vote these assholes out."

Only a bit more interesting, a bit more surprising that keeps the reader interested. With the sentence above, my first reaction would be something like "ew politics" and I'd lose interest. What about something like:

"I love reading books from the past. They're all about love, freedom, equality. Words we nowadays don't use anymore."

Or should I get straight to the point, like I always did, something like:

"You only realize how fucked up the world is when you're the one suffering from it, and let just that be happening to me right now"

Any opinions? See you tomorrow!

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