Rosé X Female Reader: Phone Number

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A/N: I might do an entire book for Rosé. Might. Enjoy!

You were obsessed with all things K-pop. BTS, 2NE1, S.e.s., Shinee, and a very new group, Black Pink. You may have had a bit of a crush on Rosé, your bias, which was part of the reason you were flying out to Korea for a meet and greet they were doing at a convention. They would also be releasing a new song there, and you were so excited for that.

You were kind if nervous to go alone, so your friend Camille, who got you into them in the first place, was coming with you. You knew exactly what she would do first. Meet Jennie.
"Jennie for life," Was always what she said when anyone asked her who her bias was. She may have been more obsessed than you were. She had no idea of your crush on Rosé, but was starting to catch on.

As you both boarded the plane to Korea, you were talking excitedly about the new song.

"I hope Rosé has some good parts! And I can't wait to hear Lisa rap again!!" You gushed.
"I know! Jennie is my spirit animal and it's going to be so much fun to meet her and I heard in the new song, she has a really awesome part. But people always say that, and they're always right!" Camille replied happily.
"Ok, am I the only one who loved Rosé's green tee-shirt dress in Boombayah?" You asked.
"I don't know. I preferred the Kawaii shirt. I can't believe we get to meet them!"

Just then, the pilot came over the speaker.
"Thank you for choosing (airline) and enjoy your flight to Korea. Estimated arrival time will be 3:15 pm tomorrow with a two hour layover in (place)"
The plane took off and you closed your eyes and turned on your music...
Time skip brought to you by Lisa's bangs.

You had finally arrived in Korea and checked into your hotel. You had no trouble because Camille had taken Korean in high school. You had opted for Spanish, so Camille did all the talking. Good thing Rosé spoke English!

Bye the time you were all unpacked it was 4:00 and you both just hung out and watched Netflix for awhile and later ordered pizza. You set your alarm and went to sleep pretty early at nine o'clock because you had to get up kind of early to catch a bus to the convention.

Eight AM came way too slowly. You were so excited that you couldn't fall asleep until Three. When the time to get up finally DID come, you and Camille immediately jumped up and got ready.

After riding on the crowded bus for an hour, you were definitely ready to get off and meet Rosé. It was really busy inside the convention center because more than just Black Pink was there. A lot of groups had shown up and with them came a whole bunch of people.

Black Pink was doing a panel q & a before meet and greet, so Camille had to translate for you but she didn't mind. It was really interesting and you learned some things you didn't know before. About fifteen minutes after the panel was over, everyone was in line for the meet and greet. Camille had left you to go meet Jennie, and you were in the back of the line to meet Rosé. You had to wait for about an hour and a half, but it was totally worth it.

When you got up there you had to try really hard not to fangirl, especially when it started to seem like Rosé was flirting with you... but that couldn't be, right? After you took a picture with her you got an autograph, but her signature wasn't the only thing on that paper...

"Is that... Rosé's phone number?!" Camille whisper shouted as she came up behind you.

"Camille! You scared me! And... I think so?"

"Is it real? You should text it."

"Right now? Wouldn't that be weird?"

"Yeah, probably. Ok, when the convention is over. Let's forget about it and buy some merch!"

A/N: this was a lot longer than I thought. I might make a part two if this gets good reviews! I might anyway because I love this. I might also make a whole book for a Rosé x Reader, but I also could do a Chaelisa book, so we'll see!

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