Rosé X Reader: Phone Number Part 2

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After getting home from the convention with almost three bags of merch each, both you and Camille had almost forgotten about Rosé's number. Almost.

"Are you going to text her? You should text her!!" Camille enthused. She was practically bouncing off the walls.

"Alright, alright. I'm texting her!" You said, a little frustrated, yet also amused at your friend's antics.

You: Hey
Rosé: Hi! I was waiting for you to text me :)

You smiled to yourself.

You: You were?
Rosé: Yup. I almost thought you wouldn't!
You: Of course I would!
Rosé: How long are you here for in Korea? I was thinking maybe we could go out to lunch?
You: I'd love to! I'm here for two more days, and then my friend and I are flying back to (place).
Rosé: Great! How about you give me the address of your hotel and I'll get you at noon tomorrow?
You: Sounds great!

You gave Rosé the address and said goodnight. Camille was already pestering you about what you and Rosé talked about. You told her everything and thought she might explode from excitement!

Time skip brought to you by Jennie's amazing new bob!

It was 11:45 and you had just finished getting ready. You and Rosé were about to go on a date! Well, you weren't very clear on that part. Was it a date?

When Rosé came to get you, you realized just how nervous you actually were. On a scale of one to ten, 42. You were also very excited and found you and Rosé to make very good conversation. Before you knew it, the date was almost over.

Then, outside the door to the hotel room, she kissed you. Her soft pink lips seemed to melt against yours and you relaxed into the kiss. It was over all too quickly, but you definitely enjoyed it.

I guess it was a date.

A/N: Next I will be doing a Jennie X Reader X Jisoo, and afterwards a Lisa X Reader, so keep an eye out for that! Bye!

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