Movies: Part 2

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A/N: Hey guys, so I'm still working on that other book with my friend and it will hopefully be up soon but I wanted to get this out for you guys. I hope you enjoy it!

Two weeks.

Two weeks and you still hadn't heard from Lisa. You were upset and decided that you would call one last time, and if she didn't pick up...

Then you wouldn't call her again. Ever.

It's ringing...

Still ringing...

"Hey, (Y/N) right? Hi, I'm Jennie, and Lisa's busy being an idiot. FOR TWO WEEKS. So I know the story, Lisa kissed you and hasn't been responding to your texts. I've read them all and so has she. LISA COME TALK TO HER!"

You could faintly hear Lisa's response, "No... I don't want to, I can't."

"Anyways, she likes you but she's a wuss and she doesn't want to talk to you. Guess you'll just have to come here..."

"NO" came Lisa's muffled shout.

"Um..." You didn't know what to think. On one hand you wanted to fangirl over the fact that you were talking to THE Jennie Kim, but on the other hand Lisa didn't want to talk to you.

She liked you and you liked her, so what was the issue? This fanfic author needed some unnecessary tension and a problem so that she can have a plot. I mean, Lisa was probably embarrassed because she just up and kissed you.

There, duct tape fixes everything, even the fourth wall.

Jennie texted you the address of the flat that BLACKPINK lived in and buzzed you up. You were super nervous because meeting your idols may be your dream, but one didn't even want to see you.

"Hey (Y/N), Lisa's in there." Jennie pointed to a room to the left.

After seeing you hesitate she took matters into her own hands.

"Lisa! Pizza's here!" Jennie called.

"Coming!" Lisa called back as she ran out of the other room. "You're not pizza." She saw you and hid her head, obviously blushing.

"Lisa, since you won't talk to her, I brought her here." Jennie said.

"Hi Lisa." You managed to say.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N). I kinda left you hanging huh?" Lisa seemed embarrassed.

Jennie left the room, trying to give you and Lisa a minute to figure things out.

" Yeah, a little bit..." You shifted your eyes to the floor.

"I was kind of a bitch. I read all the texts and listened to all the voicemails, they all said that it was okay, you liked me too... But I guess I was embarrassed. I barely knew you and just... Kissed you. But since you didn't mind, maybe we could do it again sometime."

And then Lalisa was moving closer. She wrapped her arm around your waist, effectively pulling you towards her.

Your lips connected with hers and sparks flew. Before you knew it, you two were moving perfectly in sync. Lisa's tongue swirled around inside your mouth while her fingers twisted in your hair.

It was more heated than your first kiss and it lasted longer too. It felt amazing, they way you meshed perfectly as if it was meant to be.

Lisa pulled away. "I'm sorry about what happened... Maybe we could forget about it and start over?"

"Sure." You smiled shyly as Jennie came out of the other room where she had inevitably been eavesdropping and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Yay! You guys finally made up! That took awhile too... I wonder what you were doing..." She teased.

"Jennie-Unnie!" Lisa complained.

After that everything was pretty great. You and Lisa went on plenty of dates (did the do a few times ; ) ) and it was amazing being with her. You had a few fights here and there, but overall it was a very healthy relationship and I suck at endings.

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