9. footprints

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"So that's why we have this little blood here," said Ron

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"So that's why we have this little blood here," said Ron.

Gillian nodded. "This must be the shot. Russ says they most likely shot her first, and then attacked her."

Fred crouched by the dry drops on the sidewalk. "Riley found the bullet, right?"

"Yep. Frontal entrance wound."

"For such a heavy bullet not to pierce its way through her body, they had to shoot her really up close. A foot away as much."

Ron signaled Aldana to stand by the blood drops, at the corner of the alley where Nina Evans was found dead. He stood a foot away before her, his hand pretending to point a gun to her belly.

Gillian stood behind her. "The other one wouldn't risk to stand here. I wouldn't, with such a big gun. Too many chances of getting shot as well, if the bullet did pierce through."

"Then how did they get here?" asked Ron.

"They had to come outta nowhere and move really fast," said Aldana. "Or she would've had a chance to spin around and try to run away."

The four of them looked around. Gillian pointed across the street. "They could've waited at any dark porch across the street," said Gillian.

"And if there was a car parked here, they could've crouched behind it to ambush her," said Aldana.

Ron and Fred went down to the street and stood there, facing the alley. Aldana moved back some yards and walked again toward the corner.

"So I'm the one with the gun," said Ron. "I circle the parked car and cut off your way. Bang, I shoot you."

Fred moved too and pretended to push Aldana into the alley. Ron grabbed her arms to move her in the same direction. Gillian nodded.

"That's our blitz attack. The shooter drags, the other one pushes."

"I'm in shock, grabbing my belly," said Aldana.

"That's why she has no defensive wounds," said Gillian.

The four of them walked slowly into the alley, up to where the body was found, twenty yards away from the corner. They stood as close to the spot as they could without stepping on all the marks made by the Lab techs the day before.

"It's the very inertia of the blitz attack which brings them this far in a couple of seconds," said Fred.

"That's why there's no trail of blood from the corner," said Ron. He turned to Aldana and grabbed her arms again. "So we drag you here in a heartbeat." He moved his hands away. "There, I let you go."

Aldana pretended to stagger one step back. "This is the furthest I can keep my balance, stunned by the shock and the pain. So I fall down to the ground here."

"And now she's down, you lads grab the knife and get your kick," said Gillian, her eyes moving over the dried blood on the pavement. "One at a time."

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