11. red

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They closed in around the building at sunset

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They closed in around the building at sunset. It had a parking lot in the back and a dead-end alley at one side, to which the fire escape of the apartments opened. Across the street, a line of trees flanked the Neponset riverbank.

So Fred grabbed his rifle case, hung it from his shoulder like a regular duffel bag and strolled across the parking lot to the closest building. He couldn't see the building's entrance, but he would have a clear view of the parking lot and the alley.

The night closed when Ron, binoculars to his eyes, gave the heads up. "He's here."

"Let him go in," said Brock.

They all fastened their Kevlars and checked their Glocks. Meanwhile, Ledger sneaked down River Street up to the building and produced a set of keys. He glanced over his shoulders, then opened the door and hurried in.

"Now," said Brock.

Banks called over the radio, "Taylor! Bring in the big guns!"

The SWAT team joined them outside the building only a couple of minutes later, to take the lead in and upstairs. Taylor stayed behind with the uniforms, and had them block both ends of the street, as well as surround the building's grounds.

Brock went up the stairs on the SWAT team's heels, never caring what the others did. At this last step to close the case, he felt a new kind of anger. Behind the door they were about to knock was somebody who had befriended Georgia's killer, and cherished that bond. And not only that. He'd given a vicious sadist the perfect excuse to act out on his most devious compulsions, and helped him to do it. Because he also cherished this bond. In his sick seek for affection, he'd brought a horrible dead upon three innocent women. And reopened deep, aching wounds all around.

Before Carson's door, his voice thundered across the whole floor. "TOM LEDGER! FBI!"

They heard rushed noises inside and he signaled at SWAT to breach. He followed up close, and got a glimpse of Ledger running into the bedroom.

Gillian saw Brock storm in and fell back. She patted Russell's arm and they sprinted down the stairs together, aiming to reach the alley before Ledger.

Brock got to the bedroom in time to see Ledger jump out the window to the fire escape, so he ran after him. He climbed out the window when Ledger was almost one floor below.

Gillian and Russell sprinted into the alley at the same time Ledger jumped from the second floor. The young man landed on his feet and hands, straightened up right away and ran toward the end of the alley. Hurrying down the shaky stairs, Brock saw the other two chase Ledger, but kept going.

"FBI! STOP!" Russell shouted out.

Ledger didn't stop. He glanced at them from over his shoulder and produced his 357 Magnum. Without even slowing down, he stretched out his arm and shot Brock at the last landing.

Gillian's heart froze when she saw Brock slam back against the wall behind him, as he took his right hand up to his chest or his shoulder.

Everything went red for her.

She pointed her Glock ahead and outran Russell as she shouted, "DROP YOUR GUN!"

Ledger tried to shoot her, but she pulled the trigger first.

Lost in a blur of rage and fear burning her chest, she couldn't register everything that happened.

But she hit Ledger's right arm and the young man dropped the Magnum. She kept chasing him to the very end of the alley, where she caught up with him. There she grabbed his shoulders and shoved him against the wall. Ledger stuck his back to it, hands up high and eyes widening in panic when Gillian put her Glock between his eyes and cocked it.

"REG! WAIT!" Russell shouted behind her.

"Is he okay?" she asked, eyes fixed on Ledger, her finger fidgeting on the trigger.

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