6/ On Set

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Finn's POV

I get a text from Caleb right after I wake up.

- Excited for your kiss scene today? 😘
Sent at 7:02 a.m

I type back:

- shut up Caleb!

He responds:

- 😂

I push the thought away and begin to get ready fast, I have to be at in my set trailer in like half an hour.

I notice the slight bags under my eyes, as you'd imagine, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. To busy...thinking about Millie.

Was it all real? Did she mean what she said?

I cup my hands as the faucet fills them with cold water, and I splash it all over my face.

Once I'm dressed and ready to go, I hear my mom call "FINN WE HAVE TO GO NOW!"

I check the time on my phone 7:29.

I rush downstairs and out the front door where my mom is waiting in the car. I hop in and buckle my seatbelt.

I turn to look at the front door as we're driving away, I can see my brother shut and lock the front door. Phew.

I can't believe I woke up so late today. On such an important day.


I couldn't help but giggle as my makeup artist, Lisa, brushed some powder over my face. It tickles!

"Every time, Finn!" She exclaims jokingly.

I grin, "I'm sorry!"

"Your costume clothes are already laid out on the chair, so when I leave, put them on and head to set 3," Lisa says, pointing to the 80's inspired outfit.

"Okay, thanks," I say to Lisa, right as she's leaving the room.

I change into my 'Mike clothes' quickly and head out, walking towards set 3. I jog, hoping to catch a glimpse at the scene that as being filmed before me.

I insert my cast/staff ID into the slot in the door, much like a hotel room door. The little light flashes green so I know to open the door.

As soon as I walk in I speed over to where I hear voices, hoping to see and hear the scene I walk faster. It sounds like Millie and Noah, so possibly a scene with Eleven and Will?

Someone yells, "CUT!"

Bursts of laughter follow the directors words.

"I'm so sorry!" I can hear Millie say between giggles, I turn the corner, almost running into a sound crew member, and see her there.

The sight of her smile lifts a weight off of me that I didn't know I had. I was going to kiss her on set today.

"Take five!" Matt Duffer shouts, grinning.


Shooting a scene with Millie

"Mike!" she shouts frantically, in her outstanding American accent.

Okay, I have to stop thinking of her as Millie right now. I have to step into the scene, I'm Mike, and she's Eleven. Okay I got this. We've rehearsed this before, I don't know why I'm so nervous.

I breathe deeply, I widen my eyes and turn my head sharply.

"Eleven?" I yell.


I turn on my heels, and start running towards her voice.

"El? El where are you!?" I shout, my voice shaking slightly.

I see her, walking slowly. I run faster. I slow down as she grows in my view. She barley has enough energy to walk. Bloody nose, dark circles, tangled hair.

I pull her into my arms, she cries silently into my shoulder.


"It's okay, I won't ever leave you again."

I brush some dirt off of her cheek, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. She looks up at me, wiping her eyes, with a small smile.

"Eleven, I'm not going to ask you a bunch of questions about where you were and how'd you get here or what happened. I'm just going to ask you, are you okay?" I ask as she loosely pulls away from my embrace.

She nods her head, "Promise."

"You can tell me all of that later, right now I just want to be safe, and full. You must be so hungry."

She nods again, "Hungry."

"I'm so glad you're back, and that you're okay. You've been gone for so long and I was running out of ideas, I didn't know where to look, and soonenoughDustinandLucasandWill gaveuponhelpingmelookforyouandIdidnotknowwhat-" My insanely fast gibberish of explanation is cut off by Millie's, I mean Eleven's lips on mine.

Short and sweet, I move the position of my lips to kiss her back, then we pull away.

"Mike, I missed you too," she says with pink cheeks, eyes still glazed.

My eyes widen, my jaw drops slightly, as Mike is very surprised right now. His vision slightly blurry, with tears of mixed emotions.

"AND CUT! That was very good you guys! I don't even think we'll need a retake!"

There is a round of applause from the surrounding people, I turn slightly to see Gaten, Noah, and Caleb, all grinning with that certain look of 'omg lol' and 'GO FINN' plastered on their faces.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! What will happen next? Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed, thanks.

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