4/ The Truth Will Out

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Millie's POV

It was Noah's turn to "truth or dare" someone. I wouldn't be surprised if he chose me again. We're very good friends and he likes to torture me.

"So, Millie... Truth or dare?" He asks me.

I have a feeling we wants me to pick truth, since I chose dare last time. So, I go with dare again.

"Dare," I say. His evil grin decreases in size slightly. He thinks for a minute.

ALERT: if you are uncomfortable with affection, then please do not read on. What did you expect, it's a Fillie Fanfic.

Noah breathes in, "I dare you to kiss, on the cheek, the person here that you'd date if you had to."

This was a bit of an odd dare, I don't want to embarrass myself . I scream inside my head HOW COULD YOU NOAH!?!

It didn't take much thought to know who I was going to kiss, at least it was on the cheek.

"We don't have all day," Noah says. I feel my cheeks heat up, burning almost, they're probably deep crimson by now. I can feel my heart beat faster and faster.

"Remember Millie, this is if you HAD to, so you don't need to be embarrassed," Gaten says.

"Noah, I don't want t-" I begin to say, but Noah and Caleb cut me off.

"Just do it!" They both say.

Out if the corner of my eye, I could see Finn, he has a weird facial expression, like happy, hopeful, yet sad.

"In three, two, one," Caleb counts down.

I turn to my left and lean in, and I plant a kiss on Finn's cheek. His cheek was soft, warm. My heart is beating out of my chest. But I pretend that it isn't. I laugh a bit to ease the tension.

Caleb, Gaten, and Noah all have grins on their faces that kind of say, "I knew it." While Finn and I are just blushing. (I am blushing the most)

I still haven't made eye contact with Finn, I'm too embarrassed. He probably hated it.

"Caleb! Truth or dare?" I ask.


" I dare you to, do five cartwheels in a row. No pauses." I say, I'm actually really looking forward to see how this one ends.

Caleb smiles, "Easy as pie!"

"I wouldn't be to sure about that," Finn says in an equally cocky/ confident tone.

Caleb jogs to the far end of the yard. I have to get this on video too, I hold up my phone, ready to press record.

"HERE IT GOES!" Caleb yells. I hit record.

He starts off great, by his third consecutive cartwheel, he gets a bit wobbly.

"Wow," Gaten exclaims.

He's about to do his fifth one, and he does. But he's a little off course and cartwheels straight into a bush. He falls in it, basically. We all laugh and Finn walks over to help him up.

Caleb turns to Finn, "Truth or dare, Finn?" he asks.

"Truth," he replies.

Caleb's smile widens.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was kind of short, I didn't have a lot of time today. What will Caleb ask Finn about, will the truth be out? Find out in the next chapter.

I have a Mileven/ Stranger Things story up on my account also if you want to check it out. Thanks I hope you enjoyed reading!

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