Chapter 14 - Rules

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   “What were you thinking?!” my father roared at me an hour later. I was sitting on my bed, cradling my legs, listening silently as he shouted at me. “You have brought shame on your entire family! You are not a child anymore! Do you think any other country would wed their son to a liar, a deceiver? For shame, Allania! How could you be so foolish?”

   I did not particularly care about my parents, who were fighting right in front of me, one ridiculing me and the other expressing the deepest disappointment she had ever faced. Even when I saw Devor’s smirk in the doorway, it did not bother me. The thing that hurt me most of all was that I was never going to see Stormshine again. I had one chance to prove myself, and to help him, and I ruined it. I had no idea where Randa was, whether she had been caught by the guards yet and, if she had, how much longer she would live. We had hurt Araol: I had not seen him since the feast, not to mention Aymar. I could not believe the amount of hurt I had seen in his eyes as they glistened with tears. As if his life at home was not bad enough, he must have felt as though I was nothing but a lie, as well.

   “Allania,” my father finally said to me, out of breath because of all his shouting, “You will spend the rest of the year, until you are eighteen, having your lessons with Hobson or else helping your mother with duties. Unless you are doing either of those things, you are not to leave this castle. Should you feel the need for company, we shall invite the duchesses and you can all have lunch together, under the supervision of the guards. Good night.”

   With that, he stormed from the room. My mother walked forward, caressed the length of my cheek, and also exited the room.


   The following morning, I waited for someone to retrieve me from my room in order to take me to Hobson for my lessons, but no one came. I stayed in bed, thinking about the horrible situation I had caused, until it was noon. I called for a servant and was sent my mother’s handmaiden, Ellisa, to dress me. I spent hours simply sitting at my bedroom window, staring at the grounds. I could see both Riverdusk and Flarescream flying around and over the city. I saw Shade once or twice, as well, and conceded that they had rejected his withdrawal and asked him to race in my place.

   During these hours, I stared at Riverdusk, and thought about her rider, how much Randa and I had hurt him. He had not deserved to be lied at. If he had proven anything to me in these past weeks, it was that he was nothing if not a gentleman: he would have kept our secret.

   I thought about Stormshine, as well. I wondered where he was, whether he had been forced to return to the dragon caves, and whether I would ever see him again.

   I could not believe that Godan could be so ruthless, to hurt so many people simply to win a race that would be held every single year.

   Before I knew it, I had spent the entire day before the window. The sun started setting, and I saw Riverdusk land in front of the barn. Araol dismounted and guided her inside before heading toward the castle. I sighed and got into my bed. What else could I do but sleep? I had nothing left to look forward to.


   My dreams were haunted, just like they were on the morning of the first race: they were of fiery eyes and manic laughter: broken hearts and teary eyes. I awoke in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat, and simply could not fall asleep again.

   My stomach growled hungrily: I had not eaten that entire day, so I decided to go to the kitchens to eat. I sighed, got up and lighted a few candles before heading to the kitchens. Before I knew it, tears had started rolling down my cheeks again as images of the people I had hurt flashed before my eyelids.

   My thoughts were interrupted, however, when I neared the kitchen. I could hear heavy breathing from within. Not really sparing much thought, I swung open the double doors, only to see none other than Devor, in the process of unbuttoning Lila’s night dress.

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