(1), In Which She Arrives In Her Newfound Home

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Lily sat in the far corner of the boat, bowing her head as the wind whipped by. She could just barely make out the distant shores of America through the fog, which meant only a short time before she could get off this godforsaken boat. A few strands of coffee-brown hair bounced about her face as the boat began to pull up to the dock. People were murmuring to each other, every one of them relieved to get off of this boat after such a cling journey of a whopping 6 weeks overseas. Lily grabbed her case containing toiletries and comfortable along with other necessities before preparing to get off the boat.

The town of New Westergriffin was beautiful. The sun beat down relentlessly on the people, and Lily adjusted her hat, pulling her thick hair up into a messy bun and tucking it within the folds of the cap. It was fairly hot in this country, due to it being in the beginnings of the summer of 1968. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, Lily hauled her case along behind her as she searched the signs outside buildings for a possible workplace.

Back at her home, in London, her parents had always seen that Lily was one for adventure. Being of the higher class citizens, naturally her parents had the money to send her somewhere where her boyishness was more acceptable. Lily knew her parents loved her very much, and this was for the best. She had promised to write them every week with updates in her new life. They had sent her on her way with comfortably fitting clothes, mostly made for the male gender, and a dress or two for more fancy occasions. They had also sent her with enough money to start her off with a small flat, and sustain her until she could find a good paying job.

Rounding the corner into another street, Lily's steps faltered, and she stared, eyes wide, at the street before her. Where the docks had been nearly dead, devoid of anybody except for the people on her boat, this first street was swarming with people. Men and women and children in every direction you looked, walking hand in hand, or some by themselves, but all looking content with themselves.

Starting forward, Lily glanced down at her choice of clothing. On the first day she had decided to go with something more fitting for her gender, choosing a plain black dress and a blue coat that reached the bottom of her dress. She glanced around, curiosity getting the better of her as she entered the tavern before anywhere else. It was packed with people who were entering to let off some steam after a hard day at work.

Lily placed her case down by the door, pulling her coat off to reveal her dress. It was black, and it reached her ankles, poofing up due to her underskirt. It had straps rather than sleeves, showing off her long, creamy white arms. She also took off her hat and pulled the hair tie from her hair, letting the coffee-brown locks tumble and curl over her shoulders. She hung up her coat, before approaching the bartender. He nodded, acknowledging her, before holding up a finger. She nodded with a small, patient smile. Sitting at a stool a few seats away from the burly-looking men with big arms and bushy beards, Lily settled herself down, tapping mindless rhythms on the table.

"I haven't seen you here before." The bartender had returned, leaning on the counter as he gave Lily a once-over. Lily found his voice interesting. He didn't speak like the people she was used to listening to. His accent was heavily American, which shouldn't surprise her, seeing as she was in America. With a soft chuckle, Lily shook her head.

"You wouldn't have," she replied. Off his confused look, she clarified. "I'm not from around here. I just got here today off a boat." He nodded, recognition alighting his expression.

"You from England? I can hear it in your accent, it's very evident." Lily smiled again, nodding in confirmation.

"I am, indeed. I'm just exploring the town before I start looking for a job, but I thought I would stop in and get a water, if that's alright. I have money." She pulled out the few American dollars that she had. The rest were pounds that she had yet to convert.

"No, Miss, don't worry about it. It's your first day, the least I can do is give you a water. It's on the house." Surprised, but pleased, Lily thanked him quietly as he filled the glass and placed in before her. She took a sip, glancing around. She felt so small compared to all the people here, especially considering she was the only woman. She kicked her feet gently, unable to reach the ground.

"Excuse me, Miss," someone said, tapping her on the shoulder. Lily turned to find a man grinning down at her with a slightly mischievous look in his eyes. She was slightly taken aback by how close he was standing to her, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Hello..." She greeted him cautiously, putting her cup down on the counter and turning in her seat to face him.

"I don't mean to intrude," he began, with such a glint in his eyes that told Lily that he most certainly had meant to intrude. "But I couldn't help but to notice such a fine young lady such as yourself sitting alone in a place like this. What do you say we change that? Let me get you something a little stronger, and we can get to know each other some more." Without waiting for a reply, he sat down on the stool next to her, pulling it closer so his knees not only touched, but were pressed against her thigh.

Disgusted and annoyed, Lily stood, taking a few steps away. She finished her water quickly, before sending a withering look the man's way. She had been warned about men's interest in women in this part of the world.

"I'm sorry, but I only just got here, and I don't plan on having any bed buddies yet," she spat, before walking away. She grabbed her coat, hat and case in the way out without looking back. Now outside, she caught sight of a small café. She caught interest, walking over. A little bell rang on the door as it swung open. She stepped inside, taking in the fresh smell of coffee, tea, and pastries. A little old woman sat behind the counter, and she smiled at Lily, who brightened immediately.

"Hello, dear," the old lady greeted her, and as Lily walked closer, she saw that her name tag read that her name was Rosalina. Lily cast a small smile her way as she approached the counter.

"Hello, Miss Rosalina. My name is Lilian Valdez, but you can call me Lily," she offered.

"Well hello, Miss Lily. What can I do for you today?" Rosalina asked. Lily hesitated, fiddling with the hem of her dress.

"Well, you see, I just got here today coming in from England. I'm looking for a job, and I was wondering if you could use any help around here.." Surprised, the woman cast Lily a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry, dear, but I don't think I need any help here. I'm fine as I am. But you are such a sweet girl, if I am ever in a pinch I'll be sure to give you a holler." Lily deflated, but quickly thanked her and left with a free cookie. The pastry improving her mood like the child she was, Lily walked with a skip in her step to other stores, looking for other jobs. With no luck, Lily sighed, entering an Inn. She walked up to the desk, setting her case down.

"Please say you have a room," she begged the man at the desk, who chuckled.

"We do have a room, Miss. Name?" Lily sighed, leaning against the counter, flooded with relief. Her feet were sore from walking around all day after weeks of sitting on a boat at sea.

"Lillian Valdez," she replied, handing him what money she had left. It was only enough for one night, but that was hopefully all she was going to need. He gave her the key, directing her to the room she would be spending her night in. She trudged up the stairs, dragging her case behind her, until she finally reached the fourth landing. She had barely put all her stuff away before she collapsed onto her bed, and fell asleep almost instantly.

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