(17), In Which Losses Are Suffered

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Lily awoke with a start, bright light blinding her immediately. The second she moved she found herself screaming out in pain. Her entire body felt as if it were on fire. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't the only one screaming, but once she stopped, she heard that it was still her voice. Confused and still unable to see, she felt herself get scooped up by a pair of arms and tossed onto something rather soft. She couldn't find it in her to move as she let her head fall against the soft surface, and cracked open her eyes. She had to squint for a moment, but she suddenly found her eyes flying open as she say the scene unfolding before her. 

Tad was kicking at a pair of hands she was pretty sure belonged to her that were prying the door into his secret room opened. Lily was immediately on her feet, ignoring the pain and the red stains she had left on the bed, lurching over to help him. His eyes widened as he saw her drop down, shoving the door closed against the thing's fingers. There was another bloodcurdling scream as a crunch was heard, a hand full of fingers falling limp. They were useless now. Lily took the opportunity of the thing wrenching it's hand back to slam the door shut and lock it. Tad had dragged the bed over and they shoved it against the door together before the girl finally collapsed, falling forward and back onto the cushions. The screaming and banging did not stop, but Tad ignored it as he gently rolled her over, staring down at her beaten and battered body. Lily took this time to look down at herself as well. The amount of times she had lived through the same month in her little stupor had escaped her, but she remembered it happening now. It was as if the door was a spell, and someone opening it had broken the effects. 

"Lily, love, are you awake? Can you hear me?" Tad was hysterical, clutching her hand and brushing her matted hair out of her face. Lily nodded, unable to find words through her confused happiness at seeing him again. She felt something wet on her cheek, and was confused, since she was pretty sure she wasn't crying. But when she opened her eyes enough she saw that it indeed want her, but Tad, who was crying silently. She reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek, cracking a small smile. 

"Long time, no see," she said, laughing softly. Her voice was raspy and almost not there due to disuse. She jumped as there was a particularly loud scream from behind them. 

"You can't stay in there forever!" Tad looked frightened, but Lily just rolled her eyes. 

"Uh, yes we can. You need us alive, don't you? We could always just starve in here. We don't NEED to come out. If you're such an all-powerful demon man, why don't you just come in and get us yourself?" She immediately regretted her words as there was silence for a second before a new voice, a voice she recognized only too well, chuckled deeply. 

"Well, well. Nicely played, little Flower. You're right, I could just walk right through this wall, no problem. But, there is one thing you're wrong about." Tad pulled Lily up and led her to the back of the room as a very familiar figure walked in, standing upright and seemingly phasing right through the wall. 

"I am no simple demon." 

Jokim stood there, smirking at Lily, who's eyes widened. It was only then that she realized, every singe time she went through the cycle, he had always ended up looking the same. He always looked as he did standing before her. Her subconscious already knew what to say, how to make him look, what demands to make. 

"What are you, then?" She spat, glaring daggers at him. He smiled pityingly. 

"Dear, dear Lily. Are you Christian?" She nodded slowly, glancing at Tad, who also nodded, though he looked beyond confused. Jokim smirked, eyes glinting. 

"Then I believe the only name a human could use to describe me is that of the Devil himself." He grinned, his presence suddenly feeling so much colder. Tad's hand slipped into Lily's squeezing tightly. She returned the gesture, her expression of anger slowly melting into one of terror. 

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