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Lily sighed, picking at the spine of the book as she finished the very last page. The only feeling left within her was that of disappointment. Of course, the book had been very good. The ending just wasn't her favorite. Nobody liked when the guy didn't get the girl. She let her head fall back to rest on Tad's lap. He was also reading a book, but he was still in the very beginning. She groaned, allowing her fresh boredom to consume her as she slammed the book shut and let it slide off the couch and hit the floor with a soft 'thud'. She glanced at the television set up against the wall that they had bought about a year after Lily had officially moved into the house once the whole fiasco was over and done with. She got up and walked over, turning the dials so that it flickered on, and immediately, wondrous colors flitted across the screen as an ad began to play. She switched until it was a channel playing infomercials, and scooted back over to the couch, throwing herself down with a huff back onto Tad's legs. 

"Ow, be careful! Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean you can break my bones," he muttered, causing Lily to laugh. 

"You're such a baby. I could poke you and you would cry." Tad put his book down, eyebrows raised. 

"Am I crying right now?" Lily stared at him for a moment, trying to withhold her laughter. 

"You're crying on the inside, I can see it in your eyes. You're a bad liar, Tad. Anyway, I'm bored. I might forget about teasing you if you give me something to do." She smirked, turning so she lay on her stomach, draping herself across his legs. He was also smiling, though in a more mischievous way. 

"How about someone?" Lily smacked him, flushing a bright red color. He pushed her hands away so she couldn't keep hitting him, laughing harder than he should have been. He didn't even look a tiny bit ashamed of his words. He should have known better, Lily thought as her blush died down. She was embarrassed, but at the same time, she was highly amused. 

"Maybe later. But it won't be you," she shot back, causing his grin to disappear. Mock-anger and sadness replaced it as he pouted. 

"You wouldn't," he whined. Lily laughed, shimmying up so she could wrap her arms around him more securely and rest her head on his chest instead of his lap. 

"No, you're right, I wouldn't," she replied, getting comfortable. She wasn't planning on moving any time soon. "But only because I haven't found anyone better looking yet." Ignoring the playful smack on her shoulder, Lily laughed again, her voice muffled by his shirt. "I'm not looking, though, so don't you worry." Finally, Tad's arms looped around her waist, pulling her close so that she was pressed snugly against him. 

Three years had passed, which Lily found hard to believe. This was basically what they did when there wasn't a case to be solved. Unfortunately, there were rarely any, as the town had no idea of what had happened that summer. They all still went to the regular police. 

Someday they would know, Lily told Tad. He never believed her. But for now, they were enough for each other. The little perringale Robert climbed up onto Lily's shoulder, wanting in on the cuddling action. She giggled, letting go of Tad and instead nuzzling the small creature. His soft, bright golden fur was the softest thing she had ever felt, besides Tad's hair. But it was close. She turned so her back was pressed to his chest, paying more attention to the adorable animal perched now on her chest. Robert squeaked shrilly, scurrying forward towards her face. She smiled, placing a soft kiss on his nose, though he was so small it was more like his whole face. 

It was then that Lily felt the pair of arms around her waist tighten and a quiet sigh from behind her. Rolling her eyes, she rolled back over to face Tad, who was staring at the ceiling as if nothing had happened. 

"Don't get jealous of Robert. I spend much more time with you than I do with him." Tad frowned, eyes widening. 

"Yes, but most of your time spent with me is becoming borrowed time with that rodent! He may be cute, but don't let him deceive you, love. He's a wolf in perringale's clothing! Out to steal my woman!" Robert stuck his little tongue out at Tad, who made a face, but Lily just chuckled, picking up the furry animal. 

"Go on, then. I'll see you later, don't worry. You'll get all the raspberries you want." At those words, Robert seemed to cheer up, and scurried off towards the kitchen, much to Lily's amusement. She turned back to her needy partner, who looked less than satisfied. She tilted her head, arching an eyebrow, but he relented, frowning deeply. 

"Alright, I guess if you're going to be that way, I could always just go hang out with him like I said I would," she mused, beginning to get up. Tad's grip on her waist tightened as he yanked her back down, rolling them over so he was sitting on top. 

"Ha! Now you can't escape to that beast," he crowed, clearly very proud of himself. Lily laughed, rolling her eyes. 

"You're so heavy, get off of me!" She huffed, pushing at his chest. Tad pouted, folding his arms across his chest. 

"Are you calling me fat?" 

"Yes!" Lily shouted, giving him another shove, but he refused to move. 

"I see how it is," he said, lowering himself so she was trapped beneath him, his breath fanning her face. Lily stared defiantly up into his icy blue eyes, determined that she wouldn't give in. "I'm unwanted, unloved in this thing we call a relationship. This isn't healthy!" Lily snickered, before sticking out her tongue at him. She hadn't realized how close he was until it hit his mouth, and she froze, a red hot blush consuming her entire face. She wanted to die, right there, at that exact second. Her hands flew up to her mouth as the embarrassment flooded her soul, making her entire existence seem like a joke. But when she finally calmed down enough to open her eyes, Tad was laughing. Her mouth fell open underneath her hands as she watched him just laugh, nearly crying. She bit her lip, her cheeks still rather rosy, and waited for him to relax. When he finally began to stop, he looked down at her, eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration. 

"I-I... Um.. It was an accide-" Before Lily could finish her explanation, he was kissing her. It was short and sweet, but it still managed to take her breath away, even after three years. Staring up at him with a faraway look, Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down for another one. The second their lips connected, there was a loud knock on the door, causing Tad to jump and nearly fall off the couch. Lily was scrambling to get out from underneath him, her blush returning as she made a mad dash for the door, pulling her messy hair up into a loose bun. When she opened it, it was the last person she ever expected to see. 

"Hey there, little sis." 

In the doorway of her house, was none other than her elder brother. 

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