(15), In Which Reality Becomes A Dream

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It was a giant house in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere. 

Actually, giant was quite the understatement. This house was huge. Ginormous. Humongous. 

It was even bigger than Robert's house, and his house was huge. 

Lily emerged from a hot, steamy, and extremely painful shower for the first time in what the creature told her was a month. She scrubbed herself of all the dirt, grime and blood clotting her hair and skin, all the while sobbing quietly into the shower. She scrubbed her skin raw, numbing herself to the pain, wanting to wash away any memories of what had just happened. The feeling of a wet tongue touching the sensitive skin of her neck kept resurfacing, and sending a fresh wave of tears tumbling down her cheeks. After a good hour of crying herself dry and washing her entire body ten times, Lily dried herself off and looked around her room. It was exactly like the one at Robert's, only a lot bigger and with a much nicer bed. 

When she looked in the closet, she found only dresses like the one she had seen her fake self wearing. 

They were all uncomfortably high-cut, but she supposed that clean clothes were clean clothes, and put them on. She tugged at the bottom of the dress, sighing as she saw a note on the bed saying, 'You promised'. 

"And so I did," she agreed reluctantly. Her stomach growled, which had become a normal thing. Wandering out of her room, she traveled the halls, searching for any type of room that might scream 'kitchen'. 

"Looking for something, Flower?" The brunette froze, turning to see the creature behind her. It still looked like Tad, which made her increasingly uncomfortable. 

"U-Um, yes. I'm starving." The thing's eyes flashed with a hungry look. 

"Likewise. I'll lead you to the kitchen, love." The way he said it reminded Lily too much of Tad. She couldn't see any windows in the house as she walked with him, sending unnerved glances in his direction. After a few minutes, he sighed. 

"You don't like when I look like your boy toy, do you?" Lily flushed a dark red color, jaw dropping. 

"W-What?? No! I mean, no! I mean.." She took a deep breath, composing herself. "No, I don't like it much. It's unnerving and uncomfortable. I don't even know if you're a he or a she anymore, I don't know your name, and I don't know WHAT you are. You obviously aren't a Krahkler. I have a lot of questions, which I very much doubt will ever get answered. So I've decided to not even bother." The creature looked taken aback, but also slightly impressed. 

"You amaze me, Flower. Your fiestiness enthralls me. Here's the deal. You may as well call me what you humans think of as the devil. I don't technically have a gender, so I'm going to leave it up to you. My true form would kill you if you were even in the presence of it, which is why I'm still in human form. You can decide what I look like, but not how I act. You are mine to control, not I yours. You will do whatever I want, wherever I want, and whenever I want. You will wear what I want, and you will act as I want you to. Every day you'll get those cuts refreshed but they don't need to be open on the day that they're finally usable, so I'll make sure they're cleaned regularly. As for what my name is, you'd do best to call me Jokim if you so decide that I'll be a boy, and a girl, Vashti." Lily scowled, taking in all of this information and comprehending it at once. She was basically a slave when seen convenient, and had no control over even her own body anymore. 

"Alright, wise guy. You can be a boy. I'll call you Jokim but only because I can't think of anything better. I want you to have light, dusty brown hair and green eyes. Lose the freckles, ditch the glasses. Make the hair the same length though. I want you to be the same height too. You can dress however you want as long as you're wearing clothes, I don't care. Oh, and please don't be fat. Nothing against people with a bit of weight, it's just that I'd prefer the build you already have when you're pretending to be.. Him." Lily frowned, folding her arms over her chest. Jokim changed on command, and Lily finally cracked a small smile. 

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