(3), In Which She Aquires A Sort-Of Job

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The first time she opened her eyes, Lily was unable to hold back a sob. Her shoulders shook slightly as she took in the scene before her before she screwed her eyes shut once more.

"Relax, Miss Valdez, it's alright." His voice was so gentle, so warm, and she wanted so badly to believe him. But, how could she, when a woman lay dead before her?

Struggling to steady her shaking hand, Lily flipped to a fresh page in her sketchbook, and opened her eyes once more.

It was horrific. The woman lay splayed out on the ground. Blood was everywhere, on the floor, on her, on the bed, and on the walls. She was missing her entire face. It was just muscle and bone, no skin. The eyes were still in the sockets, huge and green, staring straight through her soul. Everything was there but her skin. It was a few moments before Lily realized that it wasn't just her face. It was her whole body. She was fully clothed and everything, but there wasnt an inch of skin on her. She had numerous gashes across her body, torn muscles, and one of her arms seemed to be nearly detached from her torso. Lily could feel the hot flow of tears streaming freely down her cheeks as she out her pencil to her paper, beginning to sketch.

"You're fine, you can do it." The man who refused to tell her his name was standing behind her. He had put a chair behind her, and she was sitting, drawing out the horrific attack. He continued to murmur reassurances, his hand brushing her shoulder or arm every so often, reminding her that she wasn't alone. She was so thankful that she wasn't alone in this that at the moment, she didn't even care that she didn't know him. She just needed someone to lean on.

Second stretched into minutes. Minutes into hours. After she had been drawing for two hours, Lily had cried herself dry, but that didn't stop the occasional whimper or sob. Not even close to done, Lily already had the drawing perfectly mapped out in her mind. She had memorized the picture completely, and knew exactly how she was going to execute it. Suddenly, the doorknob turned. Lily froze, and the man flipped her notebook shut for her, tossing it into the corner. He pulled her to her feet, and behind him. He towered over her, so she hid behind him as the Chief Inspector entered the room.

"You," the man sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. Lily put a hand over her mouth to quiet her breathing. Her head was pounding, and she unconsciously clutched at the back of the man's coat, clenching her fist around the fabric.

"Yes, me," Chief Inspector Harvey answered, sounding irritated. "Don't think I can't see that girl behind your back. I'm not blind." Lily exhaled sharply, her grip on his jacket tightening as he sighed. She let go and stepped out from behind him, taking a step away to put space between her and the man. She trembled, eyes red and puffy from crying. Harvey looked surprised to see her.

"Miss Valdez," he said. "I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't think you would be leaving your room." He had a certain edge to his voice, as if challenging her. Her eyes widened as she realized that when he left, he left with the expectation that she would stay put.

"U-Um, yes, but you see-" Lily was cut off by the man beside her as he took a step forward.

"I required her assistance," he stated firmly. Harvey's eyes flashed dangerously.

"You know very well not to drag innocent people into things like this, Kennett. This girl has nothing to do with this investigation."

Kennett, Lily assumed, was this man's name. He scowled at Harvey.

"I required her assistance," he repeated sharply. Harvey's expression darkened.

"Benton, escort this man out of the building. Clarke, bring the young lady back to her apartment." Lily's eyes widened, and she turned to look at Kennett, who's expression hadn't changed. She yelped as she felt hands on her arms, until she realized that it was just an officer. Clarke, Harvey had called him. She hesitated, glancing back at Kennett. He met her gaze, holding it for a second, before he looked away. Lily's heart sank as the officer led her out of the room, and down the hall. She fumbled with her key, unlocking her door. She quietly thanked the officer for bringing her home before she closed the door, locking it once more.

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