Never Ending

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I held the coffee mug in my hands, happy for the warmth. It was just like any other Saturday, quiet and peaceful until the kids finally woke up. With the thought of the kids in mind, I walked back inside and to the kitchen to start breakfast since it was near that time when they woke up. I put the mug down on the counter and started on the pancakes. Chocolate chip for Seth and banana for the twins, Adalyn and Ami. After that I fried some pieces of bacon and that's when I heard the soft padding coming down the steps.

"Morning mum," Ami said as she came into the kitchen. Adalyn gave me a small smile which was surprising since she wasn't a morning person.

"Hey mum," Seth said as he came to my side and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I crinkled my nose and grabbed the kitchen towel before hitting him with it. "Oi!"

"You didn't brush your teeth yet," I said and he just rolled his eyes, knowing that I was joking with him.

"So what do you guys have planned for today?" I asked once they sat down with their plates of food and coffee.

"Lazy day," Seth said with his mouth full of mushed up food.

"Same," Ami said once she swallowed. Adalyn kept her head down and I was slightly confused. It was unlike her to be silent after she drank some coffee.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" I asked her and she looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Nothing," she replied and I raised my eyebrow. She let out a sigh. "I was just thinking about something you said a couple years back," she shrugged.

"Which time? You need to be more specific with me here."

"You know, about that book on the top shelf in your room..." she trailed off and I felt my heart pick up its pace in an unnatural beat.

"Yeah, you said you would let us read it when we reached seventeen," Ami added and I looked to Seth and he just shrugged.

"I'm a bit curious too," he said and I sighed.

"Alright, go brush your teeth and meet me in the back room," I said and they grinned. "Make sure to wash the dishes," I called back as I made my way up the steps and to my room. I walked over to the bookshelf and got onto my toes so that I could get the book.

Just one look at the faded blue cover tugged at my heartstrings and the memories flooded back into my head but I didn't push them away. I could never push them back. I never really wanted to. I walked down the steps and to the back room to already see the kids there. They had spread out all the thick quilts we owned onto the floor and brought all their pillows down. I smiled and handed the book to Adalyn.

"You'll read first," I told her and she frowned.

"I thought you would read it to us," Ami said, most likely voicing her sister's confusion.

"No, you three will read. Take turns between every three chapters," I said as I took a seat next to my son. It always amazed me how much he looked like his father.

"Alright then," Adalyn said before opening the book on the first page and started to read.

"Chapter 1:~ Exposed.

I sat on the floor of the balcony and leaned against the cool metal of the railing as I stared out at the ocean that...."

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