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Chapter 7:~ Surprise

February fourteenth, the day that love was supposedly in the air. The day that couples were even more in love and single girls got depressed about. A day that had absolutely no significance to me as I just saw it like any other day.

I never completely understood why couples needed a specific date to show each other how much they were in love, or why people need a certain day to ask other people out.

"Ava!" Maddie yelled and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"I knew you weren't listening to me," Maddie grumbled.

"Well then can you repeat what you were saying to me please...?" I asked her sweetly while batting my eyes and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"What are you doing later today? You know, since it's Valentine's and all that crap," Maddie repeated and I shrugged.

"I have a date with my bed, we have an evening full of Netflix and food," I joked and she shook her head while wearing a smile.

The day continued uneventfully and I eventually found my way home. The house was empty like always and there was a note on the fridge with my mother's handwriting telling me that she wasn't going to be home until later as she was stuck in the office. With a sigh I crumpled up the note and threw it away before making my way up to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor next to my door before turning to my bed and froze.

Sitting on my bed was a box that was neatly tied with a ribbon while a card with my name was placed on top of it. I cautiously took a couple steps forward before slowly picking up the card and flipping it open. I was instantly met with a very familiar handwriting and a grin found its way onto my face.

Chose this for you,
wear it tonight.
And meet me at the gardens for seven.
- Your Knight...

I placed the card back on the bed before bringing the box closer to me. I tugged at the ribbon and pulled the box open before moving the paper aside to reveal a gorgeous dress. I carefully lifted it out of the box and examined it closely. It was a simple cream coloured dress that would reach me mid-thigh and was covered in a layer of lace. Attached to the back was a black, long sleeved blazer and a short black fringe poked out at the bottom of the dress.

I put the dress back down on the bed before going to my wardrobe to find a pair of heels to match. After some searching, I finally came across the perfect pair of thick heeled, black ankle boots that neatly laced up in the front. I pulled out my phone from my pants pocket and glanced at the time. Less than two hours. That's how much time I had to get ready.

I quickly grabbed my towel and ran into the shower. I stumbled as I stripped and nearly fell face first onto the floor since my foot got hooked up in my pants. I finally got everything off and stumbled into the shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body carefully before washing off and drying up with my towel.

With my towel wrapped around my body, I creamed my legs, did very light makeup and put on earrings and a chain before getting dressed. I passed a brush through my hair before twisting the ends. I slipped my feet into the heels before looking at myself in the mirror and I grinned with satisfaction.

The dress was a perfect fit and I was absolutely in love with how it looked on me. I never knew Evan had such good taste in clothes. Maybe I should be a little worried about this but for now I'll keep it to myself. With one last glance in the mirror, I walked downstairs to find my mother waiting for me by the door with a grin on her face.

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