7. Dreams can be deceiving like faces are to hearts

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"If you weren't on a date with Zuko last night then what where the two of you doing?" Suki asked.

"I told you we were just having tea."

"In a fancy dress? At night? With everyone gone?"

"I didn't know everyone was going to be gone."

"You can tell me." Suki insisted. "I won't say anything. I didn't last night. Kyoshi warriors' honor."

"All right." Katara said. "It wasn't a date, but it felt like one. I wanted it to be one."

"Oh my spirits! Are you starting to fall for Zuko?"

"I don't know. There's this weird thing between us. I don't know what it is but I keep hoping it will go away, but it won't go away."

Suki smiled. "That's how I felt about your brother. Even when he was making a total ass of himself in front of me I still liked him."

It was a beautiful mid morning day and Katara had asked Suki to fly into town with her for supplies. It gave the two of them a chance to talk without having to worry about the others eavesdropping. It was nice having someone around her age to talk to. She didn't have any friends her age back at the South pole just little kids and Gran-gran. With Suki around she had someone to spill her heart out to and share secrets with. When she voiced her insecurities to Suki she didn't try and make things better. She didn't pretend to understand. She just listened.

"Sokka can be rough around the edges, but he's a good person. Zuko is a monster." Katara pointed out.

"Was a monster. He's changed. Plus you have to admit he's got a nice body, and he's nice to look at."

"A bonfire is nice to look at too, but if you get too close you get burned."

"I know." Suki said. "He once threw a little bonfire that burnt down my village."

"Exactly! Don't forget he almost had you thrown in jail."

"Actually that was Azula. She was the one who attacked us when we found Appa. She's the one who would have thrown us in the Boiling Rock. If your dad hadn't of shown up when he did and help us escape she would have."

"What's the Boiling Rock?"

"A Fire Nation prison."

"Where is it at?"

Suki shrugged. "On some island in the middle of nowhere. While Azula was attacking us she kept saying she was going to throw me in there. Which means it's probably their worst prison."

"Well thank Yue you or my dad didn't get thrown in that prison." Katara said. She pulled on Appa's reins and guided him down for a landing in the middle of a field of sweet grass. "Wait here for us Appa we won't be gone that long."

Appa licked Katara then began grazing on the sweet grass.

"What should we get for dinner tonight?" Suki asked. "The boys are out hunting pheasant-duck for dinner so that means we probably won't need a meat dish."

"Why don't we get some Elephant koi just in case." Katara said. "We've got some extra spending money ."

"If we've got extra money let's go all out and prepare a feast. We deserve it"

"You're right. We do deserve it." Katara said and hooked her arm through Suki's and the two walked over to the fishmonger's stall and inspected the elephant koi stakes. After selecting the best looking stakes they headed over to the vegetable stalls.

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