Chapter 30: The Meeting

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Chapter 30: The Meeting

"Now that everything has been prepared for this festival, the only thing we have left is to rehearse one final time." Mr. Crayer stood atop the stage while every one else in the play sat on chairs.

My eyes were glued onto Gohan, who was wearing his costume. I swear I thought I was gonna die the second I saw him walk out in his Prince Edward costume.

I could already feel the hearts floating above my head. Unfortunately though, most of the other girls seemed to be in the same trance much like myself.

"He's so hot," They whisper and giggle, "That dark blue on him is a nice color on him along with that black cape and black boots."

They sure were right. Gohan was handsome in that get up.

I was pretty much breaking my neck just trying to keep staring at him. Eventually I lean so forward that I fell straight on my face on the wooden floor.

"Ms. Ayame!" Mr. Crayer catches sight of this as everyone looked over at me, "Stop disturbing my speeches; That's highly offensive."

I pick myself off the floor, "Don't you think asking if I was all right was a better thing to say, teacher?!"

"Sorry, she won't do it again." Videl stands up and apologizes in my place.

I look to her, "You don't need to apologize Videl. It was just an accident."

I then thought about how she looked in her outfit. She was beautiful in it. I mean, she was already a very great looking girl in the first place but her in the costume she wore just confirmed her once more as the most beautiful girl in school.

All the boys gawked at her and wouldn't keep their eyes off her just like the girls did with Gohan. I had to admit that I was a bit jealous as she had professionals literally work on her as she's the rich girl of course too.

"Don't you think you need to take a seat, girl?" Some random kid with blue hair questions from the back.

I looked back at him and squinted my eyes.

Who gave this guy permission to talk in this story?

I then pointed at this guy and say, "Don't talk to me like that when you're just a background character! Don't you know I'm the heroine in this story?!"

"Wait what?" Gohan looks back at the blue-haired guy then at me, "What story?"

I sweatdrop.

He doesn't even know people are reading about us...

I take my seat anyway and listen to the rest of Mr. Crayer's speech. When he finished, he asked something that only Gohan and I knew the answer to.

"Say, has anyone seen Mr. Satoru as of late? He's been gone for quite a while. I don't even think he can play his part in the play now."

No one said anything. I look down at my lap thinking of what really happened to the guy. Around me, I could hear everyone, especially the girls, expressing just how deeply they wanted to see their guy again.

"Aww, I wanted to see him in his costume." Erasa whines as do the other girls.

I could just picture just what this guy would've looked like as the character he would've played if he were to be here right now.

I could just picture just what this guy would've looked like as the character he would've played if he were to be here right now

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