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Okay so, I'd like to give all my Gohan readers one MASSIVE apology! I'm just gonna keep it real with y'all, I have just been so disinterested in writing this story for the longest time. I don't know what it was that made me bore of this but it could've been due to me wanting to write my Naruto fanfic back in 2015 and I just got so invested with my ideas for it that it literally made me have no passion in continuing this book unfortunately.

I'm not really sure what I wanna do with this. A part of me just wants to say that I'm discontinuing this and that I'll give you guys a breakdown of what I had planned and which couple was going to end up together, but another part of me would like to write this story more and here's why:

I had first written my Gohan story at the age of 13 on a site called Quizilla (don't bother to look it up cause it got taken down years ago). Anyway, back then I had always loved anime and at the time I really loved anything dragonball related and when I say I loved it — I mean, I really loved it. When I was a kid, I had watched the whole dbz series at least a good 10 times and was a complete expert on that show that if you were to give me the hardest test about that show, I'd pass with flying colors lol.

I always had the games, I always read the fanfics, the manga, I'd watch AMV's (even made some of my own 😂😂 though it was with the crappy YouTube editor thing cause I was obviously broke) I'd get the shirts, the cups, the posters... I'd always have a character on my desktop or I remember when I was nine and on club penguin, I named one of my puffles Gohan. I even collected the characters photos for some reason... you guys I was a MEGA fan. It was my fave show, fave everything since I was a freaking toddler! I was a hardcore fan! For my Naruto readers, you guys will be shocked by this, but I used to HATE that show sooooo much because I didn't want dbz to die out as a kid LOL. I didn't even try to watch the show WHICH I DEEPLY FREAKING REGRET 😭😭😂.

Anyway, for some of you who had been inspired by me, I obviously had people I got inspired by before I decided to write these fanfic stories that everyone seems to really like 😂. Being that I was popular on quizilla, I decided to move my work elsewhere cause I was worried that if I didn't, I'd eventually lose my work on there, which was a good call cause quizilla did close down soon after.

I tried Wattpad cause unlike quizilla, you could actually comment on the person's story instead of waiting for someone to message you that they like your story. Then there you could see how many reads your story has, how many votes you got and more. The whole book cover feature thing made it feel more real to me at the time too so I posted my stuff on here.

I had a lot history and childhood memories with these stories basically and it helped me to realize I liked writing lol whether it be Fanfiction or original stories. I just wanna say that it was such a WONDERFUL experience having wrote what I could for you all and that every notification I got out of this book from you guys always put a smile on my face.

It feels like such a long time ago when I was making those cringey trailers lol I was like so freaking little omg just a hardcore dbz fan at the time lmao. Um... ugh, this is kinda sad for me to write cause I truly did love writing this story as a kid. I never thought it would get popular for a dbz fanfic, I mean, I remember when everyone kept talking about it to me like it was a hit 😂 I was getting messages, comments, and notifications like crazy. My freaking followers blew up and I was getting all these reads super quickly lol.

Man, those were the good ol days, but now... I gotta let this story go. I gotta let my childhood imaginations Rest In Peace (at least for my Gohan story) it was fun while it lasted though.

I've been thinking about this for a long time and being that I'm not the same age as I was when I wrote this and that I need to move forward with some things, I decided that I needed to finish my Naruto story over this one since that story has much more meaning and well meaning messages throughout it that legitimately impacts some people's view of things about people and things of the world than this story which was just me having a crush on Gohan lol.

Lost Memories... Gohan's Forgotten True Love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now