Chapter 4: Beginnings Of War

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Musso's POV

I was looking Gem dead in the eye.

"Don't mess with my friends." I said threateningly.

"Especially when they're hot." Rey added.

I glared at him.

"Sorry. Too soon?" Rey asked.

Maybe I could bluff him out. He knows I'm some part of a huge legend. If I throw a few good moves, I maybe can get his confidence down enough to beat him.

I lunged at him. I began to face him in hand to hand combat. His power level probably was higher than mine. This could be my only shot.

I began to throw punches at him. He blocked all of them with ease.

Then he threw some.

It was hard to avoid and block his. They were by far much more powerful and faster than I have ever faced before.

I was actually holding my own fairly well.

Then he hit me in the stomach and I was sent back against the wall, scrambling to get up.

Everyone by now had moved into the hallways, trying to avoid the fight.

That was when I heard yelling. "Get back Midnight!" It was Rey.

I saw Midnight jump behind Gem and elbowed him in the back of the head, giving me enough time to get up.

Gem turned his attention towards her.

"You really should have not done that." He hissed. He put his hand up and sent a wave of darkness at her.

"No!" Our drunk friend yelled, trying to run out to stop whatever was sent at Midnight.

I tried to get between Midnight and the mass of darkness as well, but I couldn't move fast enough.

"Midnight!" I yelled in desperation.

Midnight put her hand up in defense as the mass of darkness quickly descended on her.

Then the mass just stopped right in front of her, right in front of her hand.

"I think she stopped it." Gasped our drunk friend.

Midnight opened her eyes to see she was not dead. She was just as surprised she was not dead as we were.

"Gem! Stop!" It was Zen who came charging into the room.

"What is your problem?" Gem hissed.

"Why are you attacking what is going to save us, The Chosen One?" Zen growled.

"She hit me." Gem hissed, pointing at Midnight, the darkness stopped at her feet.

Zen grabbed the darkness in front of Midnight and disintegrated it.

"Well I'm pretty sure you deserved it." Zen hissed.

"Damn right he did." Midnight growled.

"Don't worry about them Gem. I'm taking The Chosen One under my wing educate and train him." Zen nodded. "If you'd like to survive, I suggest you either help or stay out of the way."

"I'm preparing myself for war. I don't need anyone else's help, even if they are one of the three." Gem argued, walking away.

"You found us just in time." Rey smiled at Zen. "I thought we were gonna be killed! Well at least those 2. I was too busy eating this plate of delicious food."

"You're lucky I even found you. There were some immortals trying to kill you! They were hunting you right after you left the cave! Luckily, I found them and stopped them from trying to kill Musso." Zen raised his voice. "There is war coming and whoever's side is the strongest survives."

"Can you not kill each other though because you're immortals?" I questioned.

"Well, yes and no. There are semi-immortals that can never die from old age. The regular immortals like myself cannot be killed in battle except during the apocalypse, which occurs every 5 billion years were every immortals power greatly increases. One is coming up soon, which is what we are all concerned about. However, there are exceptions. There are very few powerful beings out there strong enough to kill an immortal without the apocalypse." Zen spoke. "When you learn to use your power you'll be one of them Musso."

"Sweet?" I said, confused.

"Alright, lets go back to The Arena were we can start your training." Zen nodded.

"Hey Zen!" It was our drunk friend.

"Hey Gavar!" Zen smiled.

"Can I go with you? I would love to help train The Chosen One with you." Gavar asked.

"Well, I guess I could use all the help I can get." Zen answered.

We all walked into the hallway and walked out the door

Zen led us to a portal that we walked through.

Zen walked over to Midnight when we got back to where it all began.

"I need to talk to you." He whispered in her ear.

Why would he need to talk to her? See what information Gem told her at the party we just crashed.

"Why?" Midnight asked.

"You'll see." Zen answered.

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