Chapter 31: Troubled

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Ace's POV

Musso left a few hours ago. He had to get back to the immortals to do some things but he'd be back soon.

We all sat and waited for his return.

Then we saw his figure walk into the room.

"How did it go?" I asked as Musso entered our base again.

He sighed, "As usual."

"What does that mean?" Sarah asked.

Then a large shape appeared behind him.

"Musso, watch out! Behind you!" Sarah screamed and jumped back.

"Don't worry guys, this is Rey. Midnight, Rey, and I used to be best friends. I thought we could use a little help. Plus he needed help get got sucked by the space vacuum too." Musso pointed behind him.

There stood a large saiyan with black spikey hair behind him.

"Fuck you Musso." Rey complained. "I wanted to introduce myself."

"They would never believe your name is the majestic master of the muscles." Musso rolled his eyes.

"You never know." Rey playfully punched him. "So what are we looking for?"

"Anything abnormal on our radars." Alex pointed to the large wall of screens, showing radar of various places in the universe."

"Like that?" Rey pointed to a black dot on the screen.

"Yes." Alex moved in closer to inspect.

"I'm so smart." Rey cheered.

"More like ignorant." Musso rolled his eyes.

"So, shall we go there and see what's up?" Rey asked.

"That's too close to The Spirits for my comfort." I spoke.

"Stop being a bunch of wimps." Rey whined. "I'll go."

"I'm going." Musso began to walk out of the room.

"Wait up!" Alex grabbed some things and followed.

"I thought you didn't want to come." Musso spoke, not bothering to turn around.

"We changed our minds?" I spoke.

"Then hop on this train to possible certain death!" Rey smiled.

"You're not helping." Musso rolled his eyes.

We took a 20 minute trip to the other side of The Cave. To an abandoned part of The Cave few dare to go because it was so close to The Spirits. We stopped outside a large opening.

"Now what?" Rey asked.

"Is this where the dark magic was on the radar?" Sarah asked Alex.

"Yes. But it looks whatever was here left." Alex closed his devices.

"Very few dare to go this far into The Cave." We heard a voice behind us.

"Who's there?" Another voice spoke from the dark.

"What an honor." A slim figure wearing a dark gray robe came out of the darkness. "The Chosen One has come to pay us a visit."

My body tensed up in horror.

There he stood. One of The Spirits. Face to face.

"I'm here to ask you a question." Musso stood his ground, but I could tell he was shaking a bit.

"And what would that be?" The Spirit asked.

"What do you know about The Shadow Warrior?" Musso asked.

"Not much." The Spirit spoke. "Other than I don't need to worry about them anymore."

"Guess he doesn't know." Alex mumbled to us.

"What's that?" The Spirit approached Alex in an aggressive manner and pinned him against the wall with 1 arm. "What do I not know?"

"We think The Shadow Warrior may be alive." Alex screamed in fear.

"What?" The Spirit dropped him in disbelief.

"We're not sure though. It's just something that looked really evil was spotted rising from the pool is dark magic. We don't know!" Alex shivered.

"Interesting thought. I'm going to look into that." The Spirit smiled in an evil matter.

"So I'm guessing you don't know anything." Musso spoke.

"I do not." The Spirit began to walk away. "All I know is there is a legend if The Shadow Warrior is killed every million years or so, they rise again from the pool of dark magic. I thought they had to be a full immortal for that to happen, which she was not."

"Thank you for your time." I spoke, trying to be polite for not killing us.

"No, it was my pleasure." The Spirit turned around and gave a grave look. "I'll keep you alive, only cause I am hoping to run into you again when you find out more on this occurrence."

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