Chapter 6: Looking In The Eyes Of Death

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Musso's POV

1 Month Later

"Hey." I smiled as Midnight walked in the doors.

"Hey." She responded.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"Just reading that book. It's really interesting." She emphasized.

"Cool." I smiled. I'm glad she's not upset by the dramatic change our lifestyle has been though ever since we found out I was The Chosen One.

"How was training?" She asked.

"Great. It's been a whole month and I've learned more than I have my entire life." I replied

"Cool. You gotta show me what you learned sometime." She spoke.

"I plan to." I grabbed her waist.

"I've missed you though." I softly spoke into her ear.

"Of course you did." She blushed, trying to hide it.

The good thing about the whole new life is I've gotten closer to Midnight, even with all the training. I would say we were a couple now, but not official. She was always wary about getting close to others because of her childhood. She was abused and misused by many.

"Hey. I need to tell you something." Midnight smiled.

"Go on." I smiled back. Is she going to tell me we should be a thing?

"I was reading and I think I might know where are masters are." She began.

"What?" I gasped. "They were killed with Terra!" That was not what I was expecting.

I thought back to my master and our home planet, Terra. My master was a tall slim saiyan with slick black hair. He has a special place in my heart, if that is possible for a saiyan. He always believed in me when no one ever did.

"I don't think so." Midnight continued. "Terra was attacked by immortals trying to kill us. They were threatened when some kids made it to the finals for that tournament which would determine the fate of our planet. They thought we could be one of the three or something."

"And they were right." I nodded.

"But I read they people who attacked us kept prisoners of war in a far place of The Cave. They might be alive." Midnight smiled.

"But how do we know?" I asked.

"We don't. But I think it is worth the risk." Midnight spoke.

"Alright then, let's go." I smiled.

We headed out the door into the portal I created that led us to the doors of The Cave.


I remember it all too vividly. It seemed ages ago, yet only yesterday at the same time. I was only 7 at the time.

Everyone from our planet was fighting. Something was attacking us. A threat that was far beyond anything we've seen before.

"Run while you can!" My master screamed at me pushing me out of the door.

"But I want to fight! I want to save our planet!" I protested, refusing to move.

"You are our only hope. Leave." He pushed me.

"But how can I help you if I'm not here?" I complained.

He kneeled down to my level, and looked me in the eye. "It will all come together in the future." I saw a tear swell in his eyes, which was a rare occurrence in saiyans. "Please go."

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