✨ Part 4 ✨

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He scurried down the stairs hurriedly, finding Neji standing at the center of the room. His stern features remained unchanged while his pale eyes followed Naruto as he approached. "So nice of you to join me."

"I'm sorry," he apologized with a shy bow. He was determined to make up for his behavior yesterday, and if he could look good in Neji's eyes then perhaps Iruka would eventually hear of it. Somehow the task seemed that it would be easier said than done. He didn't seem the type who was easy to fool; rather, he appreciated things like truthfulness and dignity. He was doomed.

"Don't worry about it," he said reassuringly. "Follow me."

The two walked down the familiar path to the main campus. Even after hoping to sleep it off he could still not register the fact that he belonged here somehow. The three main buildings loomed in the distance with an ominous aura. His first day did not go the way he had hoped, but the deep sinking feeling he constantly felt seemed to act as a warning that things were going to get much worse.

"The building before you is the main building," Neji explained while pointing straight ahead. "Because it is the building that the school board and executive guests usually visit, it is where main events and literary and fine arts classes are held." He then pointed to the building on the right. "That is the library. It has several stories including the main library, computer labs, and study halls where you will be serving your detention sentence." Naruto winced in embarrassment much to the Hyuuga's amusement. "The building on the left is typically used for mathematics, science, and business classes. Many of the students who attend here are aiming to be successors or important figures in major businesses."

"Oh," he choked wearily while trying to maintain an eager smile, but somehow that news only depressed him more.

"I take it you don't aspire to the business side of life?"

"I don't really aspire to anything." The comment made a small frown appear on Neji's face before it just as quickly vanished.

Their footsteps echoed off of the empty corridors as Neji wandered the main building, allowing Naruto to get well acquainted with the structure. He was thankful that the prefect was willing to answer all of his questions, but he felt as if there was something lacking throughout their conversation. Neji neglected any questions that did not relate to the school in some way and led him around as a school teacher would to a small child rather than a classmate would do for a peer. Perhaps he wasn't the type of person that the Hyuuga would normally keep in his company, and for some reason that thought made him more upset. When they finally arrived back at the dorm Naruto felt even more overwhelmed than he was in the morning.

"Has something been bothering you?" the dark haired boy questioned before he could venture up the stairs.

He frowned at the thought that he was only asking due to obligation. "No, of course not," he mumbled halfheartedly though he felt his heart begin to quicken its pace as Neji stood there staring at him. "Thank you for the tour." He avoided the mildly curious gaze as he sprinted up the stairs and back into the dorm room. I never thought I'd be in a hurry to be back here...

The familiar sight did little to help his mood. Sasuke sat back in his desk chair, looking over a small handbook studiously. But there was something different the way he looked, but at first he couldn't place it.

"Why are you reading all the time? Wait..." Naruto walked further to get a closer look. "You wear glasses?"

He glanced up at the acknowledgment through the small frames that were obviously for reading. He hastily removed them, placing them on his lap with a wary stare. "Is there a problem?"

Naruto shook his head as he eagerly approached the Uchiha, who instinctively leaned away. "No, I just... It looks different."

Sasuke raised a brow; his cold behavior was soon overtaken by perplexity. "It's really not that important," he muttered sharply before Naruto covertly snatched them away. "Hey!"

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