✨ Part 19 ✨

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"W-WHAT?!" his voice cracked at how furiously he shouted.

"It was an arrangement made a few years ago by his older brother and my uncle. When their education here is done they are to be wed."


This wasn't happening! This was a nightmare! A cruel, dark, miserable nightmare! He fell to his knees while clutching his head for steadiness. It felt as if his head was about to split wide open as a gaping void for the world to see his own stupidity.

Sasuke is supposed to marry Hinata?!

Suddenly, a lot of things made more sense. Neji was resentful because his purpose was to make sure Hinata's life went smoothly, and Sasuke was a part of it. He had to make sure that the Uchiha's priorities were in order too, so everything could proceed accordingly. Sasuke didn't hate Neji; he hated the idea of him. He didn't love Hinata, and she didn't love him either. They were both unwilling souls in this tangled mess of promises that they never agreed to keep, but, nonetheless, had to. There was nothing that could be done.

"I know you like him... But—"

"No!" he shouted, feeling his voice waver. "That's not it! I... I like you Neji! That's what I was supposed to have figured out!"

"You can't like someone like me, Naruto," the Hyuuga replied after a brief pause, his expression unreadable. "I'm not good for you."

"I just wanted you to do something for me because you wanted to! I wanted you to accept me!"

"Naruto, stop it," he barked. "I couldn't possibly..."

"What? You couldn't possibly like someone like me?" he muttered into his fists, trying desperately to gain some composure.

"Make you happy..." he finished as he sat before the quivering sophomore.

Naruto looked up from his hands with a puzzled look before Neji leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He impulsively leaned forward as well as he closed his eyes, feeling the remaining tears fall down his cheeks. It was warm, and comforting; it was something that was done so delicately that he couldn't help but feel reassured.

He let out a shaky breath as they parted, letting the Hyuuga's thumbs wipe away the lingering tears.

I'm sorry, Naruto... This wasn't supposed to happen..." He only managed to nod as Neji stood up. "I'll go fetch Nara for you. He'll probably be of more help to you." Naruto nodded again as his arms wrapped around himself protectively. Neji opened the door and hesitated before he added, "And I did that because I wanted to."

"Well, Neji says that you can stay here for a couple of days until you feel better," Shikamaru stated as he walked into his room with Naruto's duffle bag in hand. "Not to mention I've been sworn to secrecy. I'm quite certain I will be thrown over a bridge if I let a word slip."

"Thanks, Shikamaru. For everything," he said hoarsely as he took his bag. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're one troublesome guy, but I don't mind that. I tend to stay away from train wrecks like you."

Okay, I deserved that one.

"Don't look so depressed. I was joking."

"I know that!" he retorted as he received a playful push from his friend.

"It's probably the last thing you need. You've got a lot on your plate as it is."

"And then some," he grumbled.

Shikamaru fell back onto his bed with a contented sigh. "You need to sort this stuff out."

"I've tried..." he hesitated, "... but nothing ever comes of it."

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