✨ Part 20 ✨

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How did I get here? It was the only full question he was able to think as the other boy's pale body was pressed so tightly against his flesh. Everything in his vision had quickly become a deep haze as if to tell him that nothing else existed outside of him and Sasuke. Every siren in his head was blaring at him that this was getting out of hand, that this went completely against what Neji wanted, but he didn't care. There was a short-lived moment of anger that built up in his chest as his mind tried frantically to get a hold of some shred of sanity.

At one point the older boy had pulled his t-shirt off of him, but he was too mesmerized to protest. He moaned softly into the raven's mouth as his fingers curled through the cool, damp locks and pulled him even closer. He enjoyed the taste of him as his tongue explored the familiar territory avidly. His mind was practically screaming at him that he shouldn't be doing this, but the way his body reacted directly opposed what he was thinking. It apparently knew something that he didn't quite yet. Sasuke's body pressed firmly against his, creating a pleasant heat between them that spread through his body like a fire. Their lips parted as the blond took in huge gulps of air before their lips met again. It was easy to forget to breathe when he was so enthralled by the older boy. Damnit, why does he have to be a good kisser too? Everything was beginning to melt away.

He held the Uchiha to him tightly, too afraid to let go as their bodies continued to move against each other in one natural motion. Excited chills ran down his spine as he felt himself continue to become more aroused by the older boy's movement. There had to be a point where they would both stop, right? He told himself that Sasuke was going to stop at any moment and he wouldn't have to force himself to think about anything else, but there was a part of him that hoped he wouldn't. A moan caught in his throat as Sasuke's lips parted from his and began to trail down until his tongue flicked over his left nipple.

"Aaah!" He yelped out in wide-eyed shock as his fingers remained tangled in his hair. The sound only made Sasuke dig his fingers into him, driving him crazy with the sensation. The way that the older boy felt against him was burning him so that it was hard not to be enamored as he arched his back. Their bodies collided again as he felt a familiar heat swell his own arousal. He could tell that Sasuke was straining in his jeans which only turned him on more. He couldn't stop the way he yearned for more of the burning touches or how good it felt to take in more of the Uchiha's taste as his lips were taken briefly.

There was a constricting feeling of discomfort as he felt Sasuke's hands grasp onto his hips to pull him closer. His dark eyes were leering down at him lustfully with the faintest hint of a smirk playing on his lips; the way he smiled down at Naruto was too seductive for him to bear he wanted to shield his eyes. He continued to move his hips against the young boy, his observant eyes studying the blond's changing expressions. Naruto pursed his lips together to stifle the lewd noises that he didn't even know he was capable of making; it was uncomfortable to hear. Sasuke's dark brow rose almost curiously as he stared down at the flustered teen, aligning their bodies to have a better angle.

It felt too good; he didn't want to let him go. His vision was shrouded by a cloud of desire that he no longer had any control over. He wasn't even sure that what he was thinking was what he truly believed. He felt the offending cloth of his own pants being tugged down to his knees as he was hit with the realization of how cold the room really was against his erection. He wished he could melt away or sink into the bed and disappear. The thought of being so exposed and beneath Sasuke was so embarrassing he wished that he could die.

"We... ngh... have to... stop..." His voice was almost like a whine as his thoughts became lost once again.

"Are you sure? You seem to be enjoying it," Sasuke smirked as he tugged the blond's hair to the side and ran his tongue over his collarbone. Naruto had no time to reply before all his thoughts came to a screeching halt as his pale digits reached down and ran along the length of his swollen member.

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