Chapter Five

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This is a picture of Masamune (left) & Kojuro (right)

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This is a picture of Masamune (left) & Kojuro (right).


Lina's P.O.V.:

"Oh if it isn't my lovely future bride Lina!" the sleazy magistrate of my province squealed out as he stepped into my grandma's restaurant.

"Please just get out of my sight..." I muttered under my breath as Yahiko looked at me, nodding reassuringly.

"I'll handle his table. You just avoid it kay' nee chan?"

I smiled back gratefully as I went about serving the other tables. Today for the samurais, only Mitsuhide, Lord Masamune and Kojuro are present. The others have missions...

Talking about missions, it's been four days and Saizo hasn't come back yet... I hope nothing happens to him...

"Lina... You there?" Kojuro's soft voice snapped me out of my reverie and I felt something wet on my feet.

"Oh god I'm so sorry!" I apologised frantically as I realised I've been pouring the green tea into Lord Masamune's cup and it was already full to the brim till it overflowed..

"It's hot tea right? Are you okay?" Kojuro asked in concern as the pain from the hot tea then registered throughout my feet...

"Erm... Erm... It's f-fine..." I tried to say but it came out as a cringe and Lord Masamune sighed as he spoke to me.

"Sit down. I'll speak to your grandma about what happened."

My eyes widened in panic as I set the teapot down and waved my hands frantically in front of Lord Masamune and Kojuro.

"No no! My grandma is petty about being professional at her restaurant! There's no way I'll let a customer explain to her about my situation..."

Lord Masamune sighed as he just held my arm and pulled me to sit beside him.

I plopped with a bright red face at his action.

"Stay. Kojuro, go and tell her grandma what happened."

"But I thought you said that you will do the explaining..."

"Kojuro, go and speak to Lina's grandma and that is an order."

Kojuro frowned at his lord but then relented and nodded as he stood up to find my grandma...

"Lord Masamune... I'm f-..."

Lord Masamune lifted my legs and placed both of my feet onto his lap..

Oh god what in the world is happening... My legs are on a lord's lap! This is so inappropriate!!!

He then removed my tabi socks and inspected my red and swollen feet.

"You scalded yourself Lina." he spoke and I blinked as I cleared my throat.

"Y-y-yea... It was hot tea after all... Look it's no big d-..."

"You won't be able to work for the next few days. You'll be limping. I'll let Kojuro know and he'll tell your grandma."

I bit my lower lip as I looked at Lord Masamune.

"You know it's just a bit of scalding... I can still go about..."

"No you can't. You want to recover faster right? Then rest." Lord Masamune said curtly as I saw my grandma rushed out from the kitchen area followed by Kojuro behind her.

"Lina why are you so clumsy!" my grandma scolded as she placed a hand on her hip. "I told you not to let your mind wander during working hours didn't I?!?"

I bowed my head in embarrassment as my grandma widened her eyes at the position I'm in...

"And why are your legs on Lord Masamune's lap?!? Oh for goodness sake Lina!"

"It's okay Oba chan, I'm the one who forced her to let me inspect her feet." Lord Masamune answered swiftly as he then continued. "It looks like she'll need to rest for a few days as I'm guessing that green tea was recently just boiled? Her feet suffered quite a serious scalding."

My grandma sighed as she shook her head.

"The only staff I have are myself, Yahiko and Lina... Whatever will I do with one staff down... Eeehhh... Wait a minute..."

Kojuro, Lord Masamune and I looked up at my grandma...

"You can replace Lina Kojuro sama... Lord Masamune will be too busy handling his duties so..."

"Erm... If that's okay with Lord Masamune I guess..." Kojuro spoke as he eyed his lord who immediately frowned.

"No I can replace Kojuro and Kojuro himself will take over my duties."

"What?" Kojuro and I blurted out as Kojuro shook his head.

"No my lord it's too risky! You're an important figure! Are you sure about this???"

"Yes I agree Lord Masamune. Let Kojuro sama replace Lina and tend to her during his break. Yahiko and Kojuro sama can take turns during their break..."

"That sounds like a good arrangement. I don't mind tending to Lina during my break." Kojuro answered with a smile directed at me..

"No she was pouring tea for me so I take responsibility for her. Thus Kojuro still can't work here and have to take care of my province." Lord Masamune answered quickly as I frowned at these two bickering men.

What kind of responsibility is this??? It's just pouring of tea and scalding my feet!

"How about both of you work for me then since you both can't come to an agreement?" my grandma interrupted.

"Then who's looking after my province?" Lord Masamune asked as my grandma piped in a cheerful voice.

"Why Lord Date Shigezane of course!"

And just like that, we have two new staff on the block...

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