Chapter Twenty-Four

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A photo of Yukimura

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A photo of Yukimura.


"Lina!" Yukimura yelled out as his horse ran towards Lina..

Yukimura halted his horse and immediately got off it to rush to Lina's side..

"God what happened to you?!" he panicked when he saw Lina's bloodied hands...

By the time Lina has already released the sword since Kanetsugu gave his word that he won't harm Ieyasu...

"She gripped onto my sword to save this idiot here..." Kanetsugu sighed as Ieyasu regained his composure and scowled at the newcomer...

"Hey watch it! We're not buddy-buddy so you can't call me idiot whenever you feel like it!" Ieyasu spat as Yukimura carried Lina's body and frowned at Kanetsugu.

"Who are you?"

Kanetsugu sighed in frustration.

"I hate doing introduction again and again... I'm the retainer of Lord Kenshin sent here to get the princess and prince to safety... I did meet a ninja named Hotaru on the way here and he has already gotten the prince..."

"Hotaru... So he was here..." Yukimura whispered as he fell Lina's body growing more limp in his arms...

"Come on don't sleep!" Yukimura called out frantically as Lina felt her body shutting down, closing her eyes...

"What's happening?" Ieyasu asked in panic as Yukimura cursed under his breath before answering..

"Look at her hands! She must have lost a lot of blood!"

"Lord Kenshin is going to have my head if she's not gonna make it..." Kanetsugu muttered as he held his hands out to Yukimura..

Yukimura backed away while clutching onto Lina's body...

"What the hell do you want?!" Yukimura gritted his teeth as Kanetsugu maintained his composure.

"Bring her to get medical aid."

"The nearest province is Lord Masamune's castle! You're not gonna make it with the amount of blood she's losing!" Yukimura cried out in desperation as Kanetsugu sighed again.

"Lord Kenshin has contacts all over Japan. I know of a small clinic nearby. They're not really experts but at least they can help stop her bleeding."

Yukimura was contemplating whether to pass Lina to Kanetsugu or not...

"Well-well... We have time to chit-chat is it Ieyasu..." Lord Nobunaga's voice was heard as everyone on the battlefield stopped to gaze at him...

"Lord-lord... Nobunaga..." Ieyasu whispered as Lord Nobunaga's eyes swept the area...

"So... all of my retainers are against me now eh..." Lord Nobunaga sighed as Lord Shingen, Lord Masamune, Lord Shigezane and Lord Kenshin appeared a few metres before him..

"Don't try to escape us..." Lord Kenshin gave a chuckle as Lord Nobunaga smirked back.

"I am known as the Devil's Hand for a reason."

"I believe we should talk things out... There's no point in having this fight..." Lord Shingen reasoned as Lord Nobunaga stared at him...

"What are you so afraid of Lord Nobunaga? Are you that threatened by a young lady and her teenage brother? You are really that scared of them overthrowing you? Have you learnt nothing when you visit their restaurant everyday? Do they really appear as that kind of person to you?" Lord Masamune, who is a man of few words, suddenly spoke.

Lord Nobunaga turned to Lord Masamune...

"Even if I don't do it, the Westerners are going to do it and they'll have my head that I went against the treaty!"

"Then we'll fight them back!" Lord Shigezane suddenly bellowed, raising his sword.

"You don't want this bloodshed yet you want a bigger one..." Lord Nobunaga said out loud to everyone and Lord Shingen sheathed his sword.

"At least we're on your side..." he spoke firmly. "We will stand as one... We will stand together to represent Japan! If the imperial family is a good one why must we listen to what outsiders have to say?!"

Lord Nobunaga's eyes hardened as he was silent when a small cough broke the tension...

"I... I promise... I won't abuse my power..." Lina's voice was heard as she gripped onto Yukimura's hakama, getting it all bloodied...

Yukimura's eyes widened when he felt Lina trying to pull herself up into a sitting position...

Lina opened her eyes to stare at Lord Nobunaga lazily as she felt her mind fighting to stay awake...

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