Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm so happy for you!" Lina squealed as Umeko plopped herself excitedly beside her

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"I'm so happy for you!" Lina squealed as Umeko plopped herself excitedly beside her.

"Yea! Thank god I got approval from Lord Nobunaga to meet you even for just one day! Oichi sama even helped me too with getting her brother's attention! Lord Nobunaga is a tsundere so she kept using Inuchiyo and the whole gang to pretend to flirt and tease me and it worked! Lord Nobunaga got so upset he burst out in the main hall that I'm his and no one else is allowed to be with me!" Umeko gushed as Lina giggled, imagining the fumes coming out of Lord Nobunaga's ears..

"Soooo..." Umeko waggled her eyebrows at Lina. "How's it with you and your lover boys?"

Lina's smile fell off her face as she looked at her hands sadly.

"I... I don't know..." she sighed as she laid down. "Masamune and Inuchiyo is out of the question though... Kojuro always spends time with Yahiko so I guess that's his plus point. Mitsuhide is like this heartthrob that all girls will fuss over due to his cute boyish grin... Saizo... Don't even get me started... He's a woman killer all right with his good looks and charm but... I don't know... I don't feel anything as strong as love... At least I think love is supposed to be a strong feeling right?"

"Wait-wait. You forgot about Yukimura sama.." Umeko pointed out as I blinked a few times at her.

"Oh yea... Yukimura kun..." I suddenly said as Umeko's eyes widened and so did I...

"What the hell did I just say Umeko?!? Don't tell me I just blurted out his name with a –kun?!?"

Umeko's mouth hung open as she nodded her head, still too shocked to say anything..

"Oh my god!" I gasped as I slapped both my cheeks together. "Why the hell did I say that?!?"

Umeko opened and closed her mouth before finding her voice.

"I think... You're in love with him without you realising..."

I frowned a bit before shaking my head.

"No that can't be.. I barely spent time with him... The only time we spent the longest was the night that sleazy magistrate almost raped me... Not the most flattering moment though..."

"I know Lina but think about it.. You spent time with all the guys, longer than what you did with Yukimura sama and yet... You called him Yukimura kun while the others don't even get that title from you..."

I bit my lips and shook my head again, refusing to believe her words.

"No! That's not enough reason to fall in love!" I protested.

Umeko's eyes softened as she spoke...

"It is... When you fall in love Lina, you won't know how, you won't know why. Before you know it, you just did..."

Lina stared at her friend in awe before asking..

"Was that what happened with you and Lord Nobunaga?"

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