Chapter Twenty-One

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A photo of the Kirigakure siblings; Saizo (left), Yuki (center) and Hotaru (right)

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A photo of the Kirigakure siblings; Saizo (left), Yuki (center) and Hotaru (right).


Lina's P.O.V.:

We were riding on the horses that the samurais stole from Lord Nobunaga's stables as they hurriedly tried their best to outrun the numerous assassins sent by Lord Nobunaga...

"I thought he changed for the better?!?" Kojuro yelled as he sliced down an enemy.

"Guess not! Technically he forced the other lords to do a peace treaty! I guess that's a good thing but I think he still felt threatened by the existence of the imperial families!" Lord Shigezane shouted as he beheaded another samurai who stood in our way.

"You-you sure you can fight with us clinging to your back like this?" my grandma asked as Saizo grinned, using his kunai to throw into an enemy's throat and his other hand weaved his sword to skilfully cut down three enemies.

"Don't underestimate us grandma..."

"I am not your grandma!" my grandma snapped at him as Saizo chuckled at her irritation.

"Nee chan! I'm scared!" Yahiko cried as he held onto Kojuro's back even tighter.

I was about to comfort him when an arrow suddenly shot out from nowhere but someone with grey hair rushed in front of us, making the horse halt and taking the hit for me and Lord Shigezane...

"MITSUHIDE!!!" I yelled as I struggled.

"Lord Shigezane let me down! Clear the path first then you can get me back on the horse later!" I yelled as Lord Shigezane cursed under his breath at my request and set me down...

"I'll fight the enemies by your side so stay close!" Lord Shigezane shouted as he continued killing off Lord Nobunaga's men...

"Mitsuhide! Why would you take the arrow?!?" I cried as I tore the arrow out from his left shoulder.

Immediately blood oozed out as Mitsuhide coughed and chuckled.

"Don't laugh in a situation like this Mitsuhide!" I sobbed as I heard Ieyasu's voice.

"You are damn foolish Mitsuhide... Taking the hit for Lina... She doesn't even like you back the same way you like her..." his cold voice resounded as I glared at him.

"Ieyasu! I thought we were all friends!"

"Friends? When it comes to Lord Nobunaga's orders, there are no friends... Either you're on Lord Nobunaga's side or you aren't... That's all..." he grinned as Hideyoshi stepped beside him with an unsheathed sword.

"Yea too bad Lord Nobunaga wants you dead Lina. I still stick to my word though. You are sure as hell gorgeous!" Hideyoshi laughed as Mitsunari swooped from the tree and stood beside him.

"Just give me the order Lord Hideyoshi..." Mitsunari spoke with a soft smile.

"Maybe that's why you're so beautiful! You're a princess after all!" Ieyasu chuckled as he aimed another arrow at Mitsuhide, and Mistunari and Hideyoshi charged towards me and Lord Shigezane...

God... This is it...

I closed my eyes as I embraced for the pain of the swords slashing through me but then...


The sound of clashing swords made my eyes flew open and I gasped in disbelief when I saw Mitsuhide holding two swords, each in one hand as he pushed back the swords of Hideyoshi and Mitsunari...

"I'll be damned if I let you touch a single hair on her..." Mitsuhide chuckled as blood continued oozing from his left shoulder.

Lord Shigezane was a few metres away but as he tried to aid us, more enemies blocked his way...

Mitsuhide is no match against the three of them... One is the Fox of Sawayama, the other is the Miracle of Sengoku and the last one is the Archer of Tokai...

"As gentlemanly as always Akechi Mitsuhide!" Mitsunari chuckled evilly as he nodded to Hideyoshi and they both swung their swords at Mitsuhide again...

I saw Ieyasu finally releasing his arrow and I was about to scream at Mitsuhide to get away when three figures appeared, two of them with silver hair... One figure of the silver hair deflected the arrow away with a sword and the other silver haired figure stood beside me... The last figure stood beside Mitsuhide with his sword...

"Inuchiyo!!!" I screamed as Inuchiyo and Mitsuhide fought side by side, pushing Hideyoshi and Mitsunari further away from me...

"Took you long enough!" Saizo spat as one of the newcomer, a lady beside me, went to my grandma and piggybacked her.

"Hey! Don't blame us! Momofuku lost his way!" the woman scowled as the other figure, a guy who deflected Ieyasu's arrow, smirked at Saizo... He looks similar to Saizo but just a younger version of him..

"Thanks for letting us be part of this bloodshed." the guy said as Saizo grunted at him, slashing another enemy. "Stop talking Hotaru and help me out!"

"Fine... Nii san..." Hotaru mumbled as he jumped to Saizo's side and aided him...

The lady with my grandma was about to leave the battlefield when another arrow was shot at her. She was fast and deflected it with her kunai..

"Archer of Tokai also known as Master of Arrows... You've got to stop making the same mistakes eh..." she smirked at Ieyasu as a kunai suddenly lodged into Ieyasu's right shoulder..

"Now, get out of my way... That was a warning shot..." she narrowed her eyes at Ieyasu who winced at the kunai before pulling it out.

"Kirigakure Yuki... The sister of the legendary Kirigakure Saizo... It's an honour to finally meet you... Mistress of Poison... You are more breathtaking in person..." Ieyasu grinned as he reached for another arrow behind him. "Unfortunately for you your poisoned kunai won't work against me as I always consume a powerful antidote for every war I go to..."

"I'm flattered but you're not my type. Well I guess that makes the both of us even in being poison experts doesn't it?" Yuki sighed in a bored tone as she avoided his arrow again and landed beside me, bending down to speak to me...

"Look I can only piggyback one person at a time. I'm gonna save your grandma first alright? Hotaru will either carry you or your younger bro-..."

"NO!" I yelled as I grabbed her arm. "Tell your brother to take Yahiko!!! He's my younger brother so please!"

Yuki's eyes widened then softened at me as she nodded before catching an arrow that was aimed for my heart...

"I'm talking to her Ieyasu... How rude..." Yuki scowled as she threw the arrow aside and I pushed her forward slightly.

"Go! Save my grandma! Don't worry about me!" I yelled as Yuki looked surprised at my action before hardening her eyes.

"Roger that." she answered simply before disappearing in a blur, avoiding more of Ieyasu's arrows...

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