#2. The Mirror's Image / Chapter 4

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The day rolled along like a fantasy, and before I knew it ninth period came along. Everyone in my cosmetics class glued onto me like a magnet!

Mrs. Dunnmeyer was stunned, "How did you suddenly become rich! Did your parents win the lottery?!"

"Something like that," I said smiling, "I promise that I am going to make this class have unlimited amounts of makeup! This son of a bitch school is too cheap to help out this program, but now that I'm here we can finally get the stuff we deserve!"

The entire class was cheering for my approval, and the compliments were tuneful melodies to me. "Just make sure to vote for Tony and me as homecoming king and queen tonight!"

The class roared, and we chatted on for so long we couldn't even hear the bell go off.

When we finally did realize that class had ended, I rushed to Tony's locker passing kids upon kids chanting my name and cheering. I felt like a celebrity walking down the red carpet. And today, Tony was waiting for me!

"Babe! You didn't tell me you got rich!"

"I was going to surprise you! But I guess word got around pretty quickly huh?"

"Yeah, I'll say. Billy told me around third period, and I tried finding you, but you weren't in any of your classes."

"I was, I just wasn't in them for very long. And don't worry about the money baby, tonight we'll both celebrate our successes! I have a feeling you're going to do fabulous!"

"How do you know?"

"I just have a really strong feeling..."

"You know what else is a good feeling?"

He began to massage my breasts, and I moved his hand away, "Later Tony! Think about the game now!"

"Ok fine, just make sure that you are ready to go to homecoming when the game's over."

"Don't worry! Now go before you're late!"

He kissed me passionately on the lips and then moved his hands off my ass, "Ok then baby, see you tonight."

He shoved his books into his locker and slammed it shut as he always did, "Things are going to be different from now on!"

"They sure are," I said waving him away as he went down the hall.

I went to my locker and on the way passed Mandy's. On her locker in spray paint FAT BITCH was written, and then KILL YOURSELF was printed in sharpie across the top.

I smiled and immediately hurried up to go to cheer practice, now dying of impatience for tonight!

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