Intermission 2

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"Now that's what I call justice!" Squeaked Maurice as he jumped up in the air happily.

"I see you liked the story." Grinned The Count.

"Oh yes, very much indeed! I think the conclusion was a perfect end to such a tale!"

"Well in the world you must be careful on what you desire to obtain. Some things seem like a good idea, but if you don't analyze said items carefully enough, you'll end up worse than you had started off."

"Very wise of you to say so."



"I wonder if you'd be able to figure out the twist in the next story."

"Well, what's it about?"

The Count took a bite of the raven's wing and explained, "This story is about a man who wakes up on a train with ten other strangers. None of them know where they're going or even why they're together on the train."

"Oh that sounds riveting!"

"Have you come up with an answer for my riddle?"

"Hmm... I'll need some more time."

"Alright then, well this tale's called, 'The Midnight Railroad...'"

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