Intermission 3

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Maurice was shot cold with fear.

"You didn't expect that, did you my beastly little friend?"

"No... I didn't. I can't believe Max would do such a thing."

It was silent.

"Under everybody's skin you never truly know what's going on in their brain and their thoughts..."

Count Sacrificiu took a sip of blood and continued, "Still stumped by the riddle?" He devilishly grinned.

Maurice responded cleverly, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

"Then why not answer it?"

"Regardless if I'm going to die or not, I would at least like to hear the last two stories."

"Very well then... Maurice, do you believe in ghosts?"


"Yes ghosts."

"Well you're a vampire, so if that's the case shouldn't ghosts also exist?"

"Very interesting response... You'll see in this next tale how a rotten billionaire might've bought more than he bargained for. This story's called, 'The Duchess' Lost Portrait...'"

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