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Stripped of individuality,
Don't know what's fake or reality.
Desires and dreams will never be achieved.
The childhoods hopes we once believed.
Stress, work, confusion, why?
At night this is why we cry
Grown-ups don't know the stress that comes with adolescence
When every other student is on antidepressants.
Is the world going insane?
It's not because we're not "using our brains?!"
"We had it just as bad when we were small!"
Yes you had it bad, but times are worse at school.
"Do your homework, pay attention in class and you'll be clever"
How is that possible? When we're more suicidal than ever?
"School is the most important thing in your life"
How about sleep? Socialising? A healthy mind? Not having strife?
Now we have to live our lives with a fucked up way of thinking,
Teach our children your ways, so their hearts start sinking.
We're the next generation, carrying on the human race.
Would you like it if we had messed up brains behind our face?
Just know that you caused all this woe
Because of you she flew out of the window.
Us kids, were dropping like a fly.
Not because of disease or because our time is nigh.
It's because of the flawed education system.
You heard our cries for help and you dismissed 'em.
So please, change your old ways
Because we're living in today.
Treat us like humans and not slaves,
Working us to exhaustion and to our graves.
We're your children for goodness sake,
The earth is yours, don't leave destruction in your wake.
Stop destroying futures and stop draining character
Wake the hell up America.
And the whole world too let's not forget,
We are the ones that will have to pay your debt.
So here ends my message to the older generation.
We're your only hope of a less flawed nation.

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