Dump the Trump

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Who made this fucking Cheeto ruler of the free world?
Honestly, when I saw the news today I nearly hurled.
What the fuck was going though his shrivelled brain?
Dropping bombs on Syria, it's not a fucking game.
Lives are being lost, go ahead, start world war three.
Syria already have asylum seekers, don't make more refugees.
The poor children you banned from entering your land?
They're now floating in the water, their blood is on your hands.
You know, It's a fucking racial offence
To shut out a whole country with a fence.
Sexism, racism, xenophobia, can you even spell it?
Your brain is so fucked up, you're not even with it!
Lame ass excuses you shout to reporters with worries.
"It's not my fault go blame the Currys!"
"They're not welcome here, I'm protecting your jobs!"
And still he wonders why we protest in peaceful mobs.
I'm 14 for goodness sake,
I shouldn't have to worry about the mistakes you will make.
You're the 'President of America', supposed to do what's best.
When you make the wrong decisions, we can't stand by and rest.
Why are you blaming Muslims for all your fuck ups.
Get off your high horse you little stuck up.
Female American citizens are afraid to walk the streets
With all those pervy men you've encouraged to look at them like treats.
When men don't get what they want, you've taught them to act all wussy.
But entertain the thought of "grabbing woman by the pussy"
God, who's going to put a stop to all this madness.
All the people who have a moral spine have spiraled into sadness.
It makes me angry to see how far the world has come
Just to see it destroyed and the chaos you've done.
You're a selfish, murdering, ignorant twat.
And someday soon you'll look back and realise that.

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