The left side of me is melting

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The stain on my skin remains
it's a mark i'm beginning to accept
prodding hurts more
look at yourself in the shattered mirror of your eyes
the distortional thinking you view everyone through
it's the glass or the view?

not everything is broken except you.

press the bruise to numb the pain or check it's still there.
Rain god up there, can you hear my veins plead? Come down my love or you'll fall with the torrents and sheets of water, plummet like the evening star down to the earth below.

My mind isn't free, just for sale, discounted thoughts the expiry date's soon
gone off words don't taste nice to swallow.
So sell your rain water to the parched people in exchange for value.
It's a vice that you grow with virtue
and even now i'm guessing like you did to me, if you gave yourself a voice maybe i could write it.

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