Passed out

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Whine about your wine.
I'm not giving it to you.
Your complains are in vain.
You're drunk, calm down.

You've had your fill, it will spill.
I don't want it to stain.
Carpet turns red, heart turns lead.
Spillages can't be removed

You flip and hurt my lip
What were you thinking?
Call me a whore and I start to pour
Down the drain it goes.

Half a glass, I'm a "selfish arse"
I'm doing this for the better
You pout, scream and shout
I'm petrified

Go to bed, wine's messing with your head.
You insist it's what keeps you going
I'm "sleeping" and silently weeping
Don't you know it hurts me?

Where's the rest? You test
I'm reaching the end of my patience
Filled with rage, I'm in a cage

A punch, there goes my lunch
Stop, please, it's hurting.
I lose, I get a bruise
I just sit there and take it

Nothing I can do. You throw a few.
Your eyes are glazed right over
A sickening snap and I take a nap
A minor inconvenience.

No sound. Hit the ground
You stand still and breathe
Don't think, find drink
And you go away and leave me.

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