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I laughed as we got up from the ground we had just face planted onto. There was no doubt we were in Lucy's land - Narnia. "Impossible!" Susan gasped, looking around stunned. Peter too looked around the snow covered wood in awe. And it wasn't hard to see why.

The forest looked exactly like it had from my brief vision earlier and the dreams that I had since I was a child. All the trees had a light coating of snow, as if it were dusted with icing sugar and in the middle of a clearing stood a charcoal old lamp post, burning bright, the warmth of the flame a contrast to the icy cold winter that surrounded. 

"Don't worry I'm sure it's just your imagination!" Lucy giggled. I laughed at this, but Edmund was not amused - he looked around, distracted. "I-I don't suppose saying we are sorry would quite cover it." Peter said staring at Lucy guiltily. The eleven year old signed, "No. It wouldn't..." Lucy started. "But this might!" She yelled throwing a snowball at peter. Susan and I giggled as Peter threw one back. But the giggles quickly died down as the snowballs were starting to be aimed at us.  

"Ow! Stop it!" Complained Edmund when Lucy hit a snowball at him. We all froze. I could feel Peters anger bubbling. "You little liar!" He yelled at Edmund, causing him to jump back. If  he wasn't such a jerk I might have felt sorry for him. "You didn't believe her either!" He hopelessly tried to defend himself. But Peter was having none of it. "Apologise to Lucy!" The older boy commanded. Edmund looked to me for support, but I just shook my head I was disappointed in him, but I wasn't surprised. His mood has been all over the place.  "Alright, I'm sorry." He said grudgingly. "That's alright. Some little children don't know when to stop pretending!" She smirked, earning a glare from Edmund. Was I missing something? A Pevensie family joke? I dismissed it.

"Maybe we should go back." Susan reasoned. "Shouldn't we take a look around first?" Edmund suggested. What was he up too? "Personally I think Lucy should decide what we do!" I said causing Lucy to look up at me happily. Peter nodded and Lucy was overjoyed. "Well I would like you all to meet Mr Tumnus!" She exclaimed.

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