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A girl no less than three was riding on the back of a lion, through the crisp autumn woods

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A girl no less than three was riding on the back of a lion, through the crisp autumn woods. The sun was rising and the lion only increased his pace. The sound of crunching leaves behind them only made the small girl grip onto the lion's mane tighter, the looming threat of someone following was terrifying to her.

"Aslan, where are we going?" The girl said quietly, her head still buried in his mane.

"To a place where you will be safe Alexandra." The lion replied. Alexandra nodded slowly, although very obviously not convinced. Even to a girl of her size, it seemed odd to have been awoken so early, to go somewhere she knew not of. But when she knew better than to question Aslan. He was the one who had nurtured her to use her abilities so well. The two suddenly stopped when they reached an oddly shaped tree. It had many strange vines. The lion roared at the tree and it twisted and turned, creating a hole in the middle. Getting off Aslan's back, Alexandra looked up at him with sorrowful eyes. "Aslan, please don't make me leave! I love it here in Narnia. It's my home."

The lion looked at her intently before giving a slight nod. "Narnia will always be your home, Alexandra. You will return soon dear one, I promise you that. But for the meantime, you will be safe with Digory. Narnia can't have their very own saviour, die at the hands of Jadis before you can fulfill your destiny to protect the Kings and Queens." She looked up at him and nodded her head slowly, before slowly walking toward the tree. 

"Will I remember you, Aslan? Will I remember everything here?" She turned back to him and he shook his head lightly. 

"You need to have a chance to live your life in that world, Alexandra. When it is your time to come home, all will be remembered." And with that, the girl walked through the hole, never to be heard from in Narnia for many years.

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