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My final night in Narnia (or ever to be fair), was a good one. Lots of laughing and chatting and dancing. Everyone was so happy that they were getting their king back. I sang along with them and tried to have fun. But I was already dying on the inside. I would never get to hear Lucy's laugh again, or see Susan smile, feel Peter's protectiveness and hug Edmund again. The sun had set and a fire was lit and we were all sitting around chatting. 

Edmund suddenly turned to me and hugged me. I laughed, secretly grateful. "What was that for?" I giggled. "You looked like you needed a hug!" He replied. I put my head on his chest as we sat down on a log. "Ed?" I asked he looked at me, his deep brown eyes locking with mine. I gazed into them, never ever wanting to leave. But I turned away, knowing this would make it harder to leave.

 "Yes?" He replied. "Look after them, Ed." I said simply starting to get up. "Look after who Alex? What are you doing?" He said urgently. I looked at him as he stood up. I realised something. I rushed forward and crashed my lips to his. He startled, but soon began to kiss back. There was a fire burning between us, as he put his hands on my waist, deepening the kiss.  I pulled away smiling, I had to do that before I left.. "What happened to taking it slow?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes, I was going to miss this so much. "You will make a great King, Ed." I said, walking away before he could reply.

 I could hear him calling my name, but I kept walking. My heart was breaking into millions of pieces. But I had to do this. I walked into my father's tent, this was it. Time to accept my fate. 


There you go guys. The chapter for today!!! Haha! Cliffhanger!! I shall be updating again soon I hope, so I won't leave you on edge forever! 

But first and foremost - AHHHHHHH they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy right now! #Almondforlife!

Secondly, my next update will be a competition, you guys send in your ideas for what Alex looks like for you (go look in google images!) and I will find a few of my own and then we will have a vote of the top three!!! Hope that sounds good to you!!

See you in the next update!

Cat xx

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